In that quiet place . . .

In that quiet place, you can see forever.
In my quiet place, I have great peace.
In your quiet place, I hope for you such.
In their unquiet place, I find desolation.

In that quiet place, there is great treasure.
In my quiet place, there is so much more.
In your quiet place, I hope more for you.
In their unquiet place, there is no one.

In that quiet place, there is great solace.
In my quiet place, I have great comfort.
In your quiet place, I see that you care.
In their unquiet place, demons hold court.

In that quiet place, there are great wonders.
In my quiet place, there is hope of promise.
In your quiet place, I see you long for more.
In their unquiet place, there is great pending doom.

In that quiet place, there is great rejoicing.
In my quiet place, I have elation and exultation.
In your quiet place, you will find answering.
In their unquiet place, there is only dread.