
Chapter One

  1. NOW IT CAME to pass in the days of A-‍has-‍u-‍e‍′‍-‍rus, (this is A-‍has-‍u-‍e‍′‍-‍rus which reigned, from In­dia even un­to E-‍thi-‍o‍′‍-‍pi-‍a, over an hun­dred and sev­en and twen­ty provinces:)‍[127]
  2. That in those days, when the king A-‍has-‍u-‍e‍′‍-‍rus sat on the throne of his king­dom, which was in Shu‍′‍-‍shan the palace,
  3. In the third year of his reign, he made a feast un­to all his princ­es and his serv­ants; the pow­er of Per­sia and Me‍′‍-‍di-‍a, the no­bles and princ­es of the prov­inc­es, be­ing be­fore him:
  4. When he shewed the rich­es of his glo­ri­ous king­dom and the hon­our of his ex­cel­lent maj­es­ty ma­ny days, even an hun­dred and four­score days‍.[180]
  5. And when these days were ex­pired, the king made a feast un­to all the peo­ple that were pres­ent in Shu‍′‍-‍shan the pal­ace, both un­to great and small, sev­en days, in the court of the gar­den of the kings palace;
  6. Where were white, green, and blue, hang­ings, fas­tened with cords of fine lin­en and pur­ple to sil­ver rings and pil­lars of mar­ble: the beds were of gold and sil­ver, up­on a pave­ment of red, and blue, and white, and black, marble.
  7. And they gave them drink in ves­sels of gold, (the ves­sels be­ing di­verse one from an­oth­er,) and roy­al wine in abun­dance, ac­cord­ing to the state of the king.
  8. And the drink­ing was ac­cord­ing to the law; none did com­pel: for so the king had ap­point­ed to all the of­fi­cers of his house, that they should do ac­cord­ing to ev­ery mans pleasure.
  9. Also Vash‍′‍-‍ti the queen made a feast for the wom­en in the roy­al house which be­longed to king A-‍has-‍u-‍e‍′‍-‍rus.
  10. On the sev­enth day, when the heart of the king was mer­ry with wine, he com­mand­ed Me-‍hu‍′‍-‍man, Biz‍′‍-‍tha, Har-‍bo‍′‍-‍na, Big‍′‍-‍tha, and A-‍bag‍′‍-‍tha, Ze‍′‍-‍thar, and Car‍′‍-‍cas, the sev­en cham­ber­lains that served in the pres­ence of A-‍has-‍u-‍e‍′‍-‍rus the king,
  11. To bring Vash‍′‍-‍ti the queen be­fore the king with the crown roy­al to shew the peo­ple and the princ­es her beau­ty: for she was fair to look on.
  12. But the queen Vash‍′‍-‍ti re­fused to come at the kings com­mand­ment by hischam­ber­lains: there­fore was the king very wroth, and his an­ger burned in him.
  13. Then the king said to the wise men, which knew the times, (for so was the kings man­ner to­ward all that knew law and judgment:)
  14. And the next un­to him, was Car-‍she‍′‍-‍na, She‍′‍-‍thar, Ad-‍ma‍′‍-‍tha, Tar‍′‍-‍shish, Me‍′‍-‍res, Mar‍′‍-‍se-‍na, and Me-‍mu‍′‍-‍can, the sev­en princ­es of Per­sia and Me‍′‍-‍di-‍a, which saw the kings face, and which sat the first in the kingdom;)
  15. What shall we do un­to the queen Vash‍′‍-‍ti ac­cord­ing to law, be­cause she hath not per­formed the com­mand­ment of the king A-‍has-‍u-‍e‍′‍-‍rus by the cham­ber­lains?
  16. And Me-‍mu‍′‍-‍can an­swered be­fore the king and the princ­es, Vash‍′‍-‍ti the queen hath not done wrong to the king on­ly, but al­so to all the princ­es, and to all the peo­ple that are in all the prov­inc­es of the king A-‍has-‍u-‍e‍′‍-‍rus.
  17. For this deed of the queen shall come abroad un­to all wom­en, so that they shall de­spise their hus­bands in their eyes, when it shall be re­port­ed, The king A-‍has-‍u-‍e‍′‍-‍rus com­mand­ed Vash‍′‍-‍ti the queen to be brought in be­fore him, but she came not.
  18. Likewise shall the la­dies of Per­sia and Me‍′‍-‍di-‍a say this day un­to all the kings princ­es, which have heard of the deed of the queen, Thus shall there arise too much con­tempt and wrath.
  19. If it please the king, let there go a roy­al com­mand­ment from him, and let it be writ­ten among the laws of the Per­sians and the Medes, that it be not al­tered, That Vash‍′‍-‍ti come no more be­fore the king A-‍has-‍u-‍e‍′‍-‍rus; and let the king give her roy­al es­tate un­to an­oth­er that is bet­ter than she.
  20. And when the kings de­cree which he shall make shall be pub­lished through­out all his em­pire, (for it is great,) all the wives shall give to their hus­bands hon­our, both to great and small.
  21. And the say­ing pleased the king and the princ­es; and the king did ac­cord­ing to the word of Me-‍mu‍′‍‍-‍can:
  22. For he sent let­ters in­to all the kings prov­inc­es, in­to ev­ery prov­ince ac­cord­ing to the writ­ing there­of, and to ev­ery peo­ple af­ter their lan­guage, that ev­ery man should bear rule in his own house, and that it should be pub­lished ac­cord­ing to the lan­guage of ev­ery people.
Chapter Two
  1. AFTER THESE THINGS, when the wrath of king A-‍has-‍u-‍e‍′‍-‍rus was ap­peased, he re­mem­bered Vash‍′‍-‍ti, and what she had done, and what was de­creed against her.
  2. Then said the kings serv­ants that min­is­tered un­to him, Let there be fair young vir­gins sought for the king:
  3. And let the king ap­point of­fi­cers in all the prov­inc­es of his king­dom, that they may gath­er to­geth­er all the fair young vir­gins un­to Shu‍′‍-‍shan the pal­ace, to the house of the wom­en, un­to the cus­to­dy of‍ ‍He‍′‍-‍ge the kings cham­ber­lain, keep­er of the wom­en; and let their things for pur­i­fi­ca­tion be giv­en them:
  4. And let the maid­en which pleas­eth the king be queen in­stead of Vash‍′‍-‍ti. And the thing pleased the king; and he did so.
  5. Now in Shu‍′‍-‍shan the pal­ace there was a cer­tain Jew, whose name was Mor‍′‍-‍de-‍cai, the son of Ja‍′‍-‍ir, the son of Shim‍′‍-‍e-‍i, the son of Kish, a Benjamite;
  6. Who had been car­ried away with Jec-‍o-‍ni‍′‍-‍ah king of Ju­dah, whom Neb-‍u-‍chad-‍nez‍′‍-‍zar the king of Bab­y­lon had car­ried away.
  7. And he brought up Ha-‍das‍′‍-‍sah, that is, Es­ther, his un­cles daugh­ter: for she had nei­ther fa­ther nor moth­er, and the maid was fair and beau­ti­ful; whom Mor‍′‍-‍de-‍cai, when her fa­ther and moth­er were dead, took for his own daughter.
  8. So it came to pass, when the kings com­mand­ment and his de­cree was heard, and when ma­ny maid­ens were gath­ered to­geth­er un­to Shu‍′‍-‍shan the pal­ace, to the cus­to­dy of He‍′‍-‍gai, that Es­ther was brought al­so un­to the kings house, to the cus­to­dy of He‍′‍-‍gai, keep­er of the women.
  9. And the maid­en pleased him, and she ob­tained kind­ness of him; and he speed­i­ly gave her her things for pur­i­fi­ca­tion, with such things as be­longed to her, and sev­en maid­ens, which weremeet to be giv­en her, out of the kings house: and he pre­ferred her and her maids un­to the best place of the house of the women.
  10. Esther had not shewed her peo­ple nor her kin­dred: for Mor‍′‍-‍de-‍cai had charged her that she should not shew it.
  11. And Mor‍′‍-‍de-‍cai walked ev­ery day be­fore the court of the wom­ens house, to know how Es­ther did, and what should be­come of her.
  12. Now when ev­ery maids turn was come to go in to king A-‍has-‍u-‍e‍′‍-‍rus, af­ter that she had been twelve months, ac­cord­ing to the man­ner of the wom­en, (for so were the days of their pur­i­fi­ca­tions ac­com­plished, to wit, six months with oil of myrrh, and six months with sweet odours, and with oth­er things for the pur­i­fy­ing of the women;)
  13. Then thus came ev­ery maid­en un­to the king; what­so­ever she de­sired was giv­en her to go with her out of the house of the wom­en un­to the kings house.
  14. In the eve­ning she went, and on the mor­row she re­turned in­to the sec­ond house of the wom­en, to the cus­to­dy of Sha-‍ash‍′‍-‍gaz, the kings cham­ber­lain, which kept the con­cu­bines: she came in un­to the king no more, ex­cept the king de­light­ed in her, and that she were called by name.
  15. Now when the turn of Es­ther, the daugh­ter of Ab-‍i-‍ha‍′‍-‍is the un­cle of Mor‍′‍-‍de-‍cai, who had tak­en her for his daugh­ter, was come to go in un­to the king, she re­quired noth­ing but what He‍′‍-‍gai the kings cham­ber­lain, the keep­er of the wom­en, ap­point­ed. And Es­ther ob­tained fa­vour in the sight of all them that looked up­on her.
  16. So Es­ther was tak­en un­to king A-‍has-‍u-‍e‍′‍-‍rus in­to his house roy­al in the tenth month, which is the month (of) Te‍′‍-‍beth, in the sev­enth year of his reign.
  17. And the king loved Es­ther above all the wom­en, and she ob­tained grace and fa­vour in his sight more than all the vir­gins; so that he set the roy­al crown up­on her head, and made her queen in­stead of Vash‍′‍-‍ti.
  18. Then the king made a great feast un­to all his princ­es and his serv­ants, even Es­thers feast; and he made a‍ ‍re­lease to the prov­inc­es, and gave gifts, ac­cord­ing to the state of the king.
  19. And when the vir­gins were gath­ered to­geth­er the sec­ond time, then Mor‍′‍-‍de-‍cai sat in the kings gate.
  20. Esther had not yet shewed her kin­dred nor her peo­ple; as Mor‍′‍-‍de-‍cai had charged her: for Es­ther did the com­mand­ment of Mor‍′‍-‍de-‍cai, like as when she was brought up with him.
  21. In those days, while Mor‍′‍-‍de-‍cai sat in the kings gate, two of the kings cham­ber­lains, Big‍′‍-‍than and Te‍′‍-‍resh, of those which kept the door, were wroth, and sought to lay hand on the king A-‍has-‍u-‍e‍′‍-‍rus.
  22. And the thing was known to Mor‍′‍-‍de-‍cai, who told it un­to Es­ther the queen; and Es­ther cer­ti­fied the king there­of in Mor‍′‍-‍de-‍cais name.
  23. And when in­qui­si­tion was made of the mat­ter, it was found out; there­fore they were both hanged on a‍ ‍(gal­lows) tree: and it was writ­ten in the book of the chron­i­cles be­fore the king.
Chapter Three
  1. AFTER THESE THINGS did king A-‍has-‍u-‍e‍′‍-‍rus pro­mote Ha‍′‍-‍man the son of Ham-‍med‍′‍-‍a-‍tha the A‍′‍-‍gag-‍ite, and ad­vanced him, and set his seat above all the princ­es that were with him.
  2. And all the kings serv­ants, that were in the kings gate, bowed, and rev­er­enced Ha‍′‍-‍man: for the king had so com­mand­ed con­cern­ing him. But Mor‍′‍-‍de-‍cai bowed not, nor did him reverence.
  3. Then the kings serv­ants, which were in the kings gate, said un­to Mor‍′‍-‍de-‍cai, Why trans­gress­eth thou the kings commandment?
  4. Now it came to pass, when they spake dai­ly un­to him, and he heark­ened not un­to them, that they told Ha‍′‍-‍man, to see wheth­er Mor‍′‍-‍de-‍cais mat­ters would stand: for he had told them that he wasJew.
  5. And when Ha‍′‍-‍man saw that Mor‍′‍-‍de-‍cai bowed not, nor did him rev­er­ence, then was Ha‍′‍-‍man full of wrath.
  6. And he thought scorn to lay hands on Mor‍′‍-‍de-‍cai alone; for they had shewed him the peo­ple of Mor‍′‍-‍de-‍cai: where­fore Ha‍′‍-‍man sought to de­stroy all the Jews that were through­out the whole king­dom of A-‍has-‍u-‍e‍′‍-‍rus, even the peo­ple of Mor‍′‍-‍de-‍cai.
  7. In the first month, that is, the month (of) Ni‍′‍-‍san, in the twelfth year of king A-‍has-‍u-‍e‍′‍-‍rus, they cast‍ ‍Pur, that is, the lot, be­fore Ha‍′‍-‍man from day to day, and from month to month, to the twelfth month, that is, the month (of)‍ ‍A‍′‍-‍dar.
  8. And Ha‍′‍-‍man said un­to king A-‍has-‍u-‍e‍′‍-‍rus, There is a cer­tain peo­ple scat­tered abroad and dis­persed among the peo­ple in all the prov­inc­es of thy king­dom; and their laws are di­verse from all peo­ple; nei­ther keep they the kings laws: there­fore it is not for the kings prof­it to suf­fer them.
  9. If it please the king, let it be writ­ten that they may be de­stroyed: and I will pay ten thou­sand tal­ents of sil­ver to the hands of those that have the charge of the bus­i­ness, to bring it in­to the kings treasuries.
  10. And the king took his ring from his hand, and gave it un­to Ha‍′‍-‍man the son of Ham-‍med‍′‍-‍a-‍tha the A‍′‍-‍gag-‍ite, the Jews’‍ ‍enemy.
  11. And the king said un­to Ha‍′‍-‍man, The sil­ver is giv­en to thee, the peo­ple al­so, to do with them as it seem­eth good to thee.
  12. Then were the kings scribes called on the thir­teenth day of the first month, and there was writ­ten ac­cord­ing to all that Ha‍′‍-‍man had com­mand­ed un­to the kings lieu­ten­ants, and to the gov­er­nors that were over ev­ery prov­ince, and to the rul­ers of ev­ery peo­ple af­ter their lan­guage; in the name of king A-‍has-‍u-‍e‍′‍-‍rus was it writ­ten, and sealed with the kings ring.
  13. And the let­ters were sent by‍ ‍posts in­to all the kings prov­inc­es to de­stroy, to kill, and to cause to per­ish, all Jews, both young and old, lit­tle chil­dren and wom­en, in one day, even up­on the thir­teenth day of the twelfth month, which is the month (of)‍ ‍A‍′‍-‍dar, and to take the spoil of them for a prey.
  14. The copy of the writ­ing for a com­mand­ment to be giv­en in ev­ery prov­ince was pub­lished un­to all peo­ple, that they should be rea­dy against that day.
  15. The posts went out, be­ing has­tened by the kings com­mand­ment, and the de­cree was giv­en in Shu‍′‍-‍shan the pal­ace. And the king and Ha‍′‍-‍man sat down to drink; but the city Shu‍′‍-‍shan was perplexed.
Chapter Four
  1. WHEN MOR‍′‍-‍DE-‍CAI per­ceived all that was done, Mor‍′‍-‍de-‍cai rent his clothes, and put on sack­cloth with ashes, and went out in­to the midst of the city, and cried with a loud and a bit­ter cry;
  2. And came even be­fore the kings gate: for none might en­ter in­to the kings gate clothed with sackcloth.
  3. And in ev­ery prov­ince, whith­so­ever the kings com­mand­ment and his de­cree came, there was great mourn­ing among the Jews, and fast­ing, and weep­ing, and wail­ing; and ma­ny lay in sack­cloth and ashes.
  4. So Es­thers maids and her cham­ber­lains came and told it to her. Then was the queen ex­ceed­ing­ly grieved; and she sent rai­ment to clothe Mor‍′‍-‍de-‍cai, and to take away his sack­cloth from him: but he re­ceived it not.
  5. Then called Es­ther for Ha‍′‍-‍tach, one of the kings cham­ber­lains, whom he had ap­point­ed to at­tend up­on her, and gave him a com­mand­ment to Mor‍′‍-‍de-‍cai, to know what it was, and why it was.
  6. So Ha‍′‍-‍tach went forth to Mor‍′‍-‍de-‍cai un­to the street of the city, which was be­fore the kings gate.
  7. And Mor‍′‍-‍de-‍cai told him of all that had hap­pened un­to him, and of‍ ‍the sum of the mon­ey that Ha‍′‍-‍man had prom­ised to pay to the kings trea­sur­ies for the Jews, to de­stroy them.
  8. Also he gave him the copy of the writ­ing, of the de­cree that was giv­en at Shu‍′‍-‍shan to de­stroy them, to shew it un­to Es­ther, and to de­clare it un­to her, and to charge her that she should go in un­to the king, to make sup­pli­ca­tion un­to him, and to make re­quest be­fore him for her people.
  9. And Ha‍′‍-‍tach came and told Es­ther the words of Mor‍′‍-‍de-‍cai.
  10. Again Es­ther spake un­to Ha‍′‍-‍tach, and gave him com­mand­ment un­to Mor‍′‍-‍de-‍cai;
  11. All the kings serv­ants, and the peo­ple of the kings prov­inc­es, do know, that whoso­ever, wheth­er man or wom­an, shall come un­to the king in­to the in­ner court, who is not called, there is one law of his to put him to death, ex­cept such to whom the king shall hold out the gold­en scep­tre, that he may live: but I have not been called to come in un­to the king these thir­ty days.
  12. And they told to Mor‍′‍-‍de-‍cai Es­thers words.
  13. Then Mor‍′‍-‍de-‍cai com­mand­ed to an­swer Es­ther, Think not with thy­self that thou shalt es­cape in the kings house, more than all the Jews.
  14. For if thou al­to­geth­er hold­est thy peace at this time, then shall there en­large­ment and de­liv­er­ance arise to the Jews from an­oth­er place; but thou and thy fa­thers house shall be de­stroyed: and who know­eth wheth­er thou art come to the king­dom for such a time as this?
  15. Then Es­ther bade them re­turn Mor‍′‍-‍de-‍cai this answer,
  16. Go, gath­er to­geth­er all the Jews that are pres­ent in Shu‍′‍-‍shan, and fast ye for me, and nei­ther eat nor drink three days, night or day: I al­so and my maid­ens will fast like­wise; and so will I go in un­to the king, which is not ac­cord­ing to the law: and if I per­ish, I perish.
  17. So Mor‍′‍-‍de-‍cai went his way, and did ac­cord­ing to all that Es­ther had com­mand­ed him.
Chapter Five
  1. NOW IT CAME to pass on the third day, that Es­ther put on her roy­al ap­par­el, and stood in the in­ner court of the kings house, over against the kings house: and the king sat up­on his roy­al throne in the roy­al house, over against the gate of the house.
  2. And it was so, when the king saw Es­ther the queen stand­ing in the court, that she ob­tained fa­vour in his sight: and the king held out to Es­ther the gold­en scep­tre that was in his hand. So Es­ther drew near, and touched the top of the sceptre.
  3. Then said the king un­to her, What wilt thou, queen Es­ther? and what is thy re­quest? it shall be even giv­en thee to the half of the kingdom.
  4. And Es­ther an­swered, If it seem good un­to the king, let the king and Ha‍′‍-‍man come this day un­to the ban­quet that I have pre­pared for him.
  5. Then the king said, Cause Ha‍′‍-‍man to make haste, that he may do as Es­ther hath said. So the king and Ha‍′‍-‍man came to the ban­quet that Es­ther had prepared.
  6. And the king said un­to Es­ther at the ban­quet of wine, What is thy pe­ti­tion? and it shall be grant­ed thee: and what is thy re­quest? even to the half of the king­dom it shall be performed.
  7. Then an­swered Es­ther, and said, My pe­ti­tion and my re­quest is;
  8. If I have found fa­vour in the sight of the king, and if it please the king to grant my pe­ti­tion, and to per­form my re­quest, let the king and Ha‍′‍-‍man come to the ban­quet that I shall pre­pare for them, and I will do to mor­row as the king hath said. ‍ ‍[]

  1. Then went Ha‍′‍-‍man forth that day joy­ful and with a glad heart: but when Ha‍′‍-‍man saw Mor‍′‍-‍de-‍cai in the kings gate, that he stood not up, nor moved for him, he was full of in­dig­na­tion against Mor‍′‍-‍de-‍cai.
  2. Nevertheless Ha‍′‍-‍man re­frained him­self: and when he came home, he sent and called for his friends, and Ze‍′‍-‍resh his wife.
  3. And Ha‍′‍-‍man told them of the glo­ry of his rich­es, and the mul­ti­tude of his chil­dren, and all the things where­in the king had pro­mot­ed him, and how he had ad­vanced him above the princ­es and serv­ants of the king.
  4. Ha‍′‍-‍man said more­over, Yea, Es­ther the queen did let no man come in with the king un­to the ban­quet that she had pre­pared but my­self; and to mor­row am I in­vit­ed un­to her al­so with the king.
  5. Yet all this avail­eth me noth­ing, so long as I see Mor‍′‍-‍de-‍cai the Jew sit­ting at the kings gate.
  6. Then said Ze‍′‍-‍resh his wife and all his friends un­to him, Let a gal­lows (tree) be made of fif­ty cu­bits high, and to mor­row speak thou un­to the king that Mor‍′‍-‍de-‍cai may be hanged there­on: then go thou in mer­ri­ly with the king un­to the ban­quet. And the thing pleased Ha‍′‍-‍man; and he caused the gal­lows (tree) to be made.
Chapter Six
  1. ON THAT NIGHTcould not the king sleep, and he com­mand­ed to bring the book of rec­ords of the chron­i­cles; and they were read be­fore the king.
  2. And it was found writ­ten, that Mor‍′‍-‍de-‍cai had told of Big‍′‍-‍tha-‍na and Te‍′‍-‍resh, two of the kings cham­ber­lains, the keep­ers of the door, who sought to lay hand on the king A-‍has-‍u-‍e‍′‍-‍rus.
  3. And the king said, What hon­our and dig­ni­ty hath been done to Mor‍′‍-‍de-‍cai for this? then said the kings serv­ants that min­is­tered un­to him, There is noth­ing done for him.
  4. And the king said, Who is in the court? Now Ha‍′‍-‍man was come in­to the out­ward court of the kings house, to speak un­to the king to hang Mor‍′‍-‍de-‍cai on the gal­lows (tree) that he had pre­pared for him.
  5. And the kings serv­ants said un­to him, Be­hold, Ha‍′‍-‍man stand­eth in the court. And the king said, Let him come in.
  6. So Ha‍′‍-‍man came in. And the king said un­to him, What shall be done un­to the man whom the king de­light­eth to hon­our? Now Ha‍′‍-‍man thought in his heart, To whom would the king de­light to do hon­our more than to myself?
  7. And Ha‍′‍-‍man an­swered the king, For the man whom the king de­light­eth to honour,
  8. Let the roy­al ap­par­el be brought which the king us­eth to wear, and the horse that the king rid­eth up­on, and the crown roy­al which is set up­on his head:
  9. And let this ap­par­el and horse be de­liv­ered to the hand of one of the kings most no­ble princ­es, that they may ar­ray the man with­al whom the king de­light­eth to hon­our, and bring him on horse­back through the street of the city, and pro­claim be­fore him, Thus shall it be done to the man whom the king de­light­eth to honour.
  10. Then the king said to Ha‍′‍-‍man, Make haste, and take the ap­par­el and the horse, as thou hast said, and do even so to Mor‍′‍-‍de-‍cai the Jew, that sit­teth at the kings gate: let noth­ing fail of all that thou hast spoken.
  11. Then took Ha‍′‍-‍man the ap­par­el and the horse, and ar­rayed Mor‍′‍-‍de-‍cai, and brought him on horse­back through the street of the city, and pro­claimed before him, Thus shall it be done un­to the man whom the king de­light­eth to honour.
  12. And Mor‍′‍-‍de-‍cai came again to the kings gate. But Ha‍′‍-‍man has­ted to his house mourn­ing, and hav­ing his head covered.
  13. And Ha‍′‍-‍man told Ze‍′‍-‍resh his wife and all his friends ev­ery thing that had be­fall­en him. Then said his wise men and Ze‍′‍-‍resh his wife un­to him, If Mor‍′‍-‍de-‍cai be of the seed of the Jews, be­fore whom thou hast be­gun to fall, thou shalt not pre­vail against him, but shalt sure­ly fall be­fore him.
  14. And while they were yet talk­ing with him, came the kings cham­ber­lains, and has­ted to bring Ha‍′‍-‍man un­to the ban­quet that Es­ther had prepared.
Chapter Seven
  1. SO THE KING and Ha‍′‍-‍man came to ban­quet with Es­ther the queen.
  2. And the king said again un­to Es­ther on the sec­ond day at the ban­quet of wine, What is thy pe­ti­tion, queen Es­ther? and it shall be grant­ed thee: and what is thy re­quest? and it shall be per­formed, even to the half of the kingdom.
  3. Then Es­ther the queen an­swered and said, If I have found fa­vour in thy sight, O‍ ‍king, and if it please the king, let my life be giv­en me at my pe­ti­tion, and my peo­ple at my request:
  4. For we are sold, I and my peo­ple, to be de­stroyed, to be slain, and to per­ish. But if we had been sold for bond­men and bond­wom­en, I had held my tongue, al­though the en­e­my could not coun­ter­vail the kings damage.
  5. Then the king A-‍has-‍u-‍e‍′‍-‍rus an­swered and said un­to Es­ther the queen, Who is he, and where is he, that durst pre­sume in his heart to do so?
  6. And Es­ther said, The ad­ver­sary and en­e­my is this wick­ed Ha‍′‍-‍man. Then Ha‍′‍-‍man was afraid be­fore the king and the queen.
  7. And the king aris­ing from the ban­quet of wine in his wrath went in­to the pal­ace gar­den: and Ha‍′‍-‍man stood up to make re­quest for his life to Es­ther the queen; for he saw that there was evil de­termined against him by the king.
  8. Then the king re­turned out of the pal­ace gar­den in­to the place of the ban­quet of wine; and Ha‍′‍-‍man was fall­en up­on the bed where­on Es­ther was. Then said the king, Will he force the queen al­so be­fore me in the house? As the word went out of the kings mouth, they cov­ered Ha‍′‍-‍mans face.
  9. And Har-‍bo‍′‍-‍nah, one of the cham­ber­lains, said be­fore the king, Be­hold al­so, the gal­lows (tree)fif­ty cu­bits high, which Ha‍′‍-‍man had made for Mor‍′‍-‍de-‍cai, who had spo­ken good for the king, stand­eth in the house of Ha‍′‍-‍man. Then the king said, Hang him thereon.
  10. So they hanged Ha‍′‍-‍man on the gal­lows (tree) that he had pre­pared for Mor‍′‍-‍de-‍cai. Then was the kings wrath pacified.
Chapter Eight
  1. ON THAT DAY DID the king A-‍has-‍u-‍e‍′‍-‍rus give the house of Ha‍′‍-‍man the Jews’ en­e­my un­to Es­ther the queen. And Mor‍′‍-‍de-‍cai came be­fore the king; for Es­ther had told what he was un­to her.
  2. And the king took off his ring, which he had tak­en from Ha‍′‍-‍man, and gave it un­to Mor‍′‍-‍de-‍cai. And Es­ther set Mor‍′‍-‍de-‍cai over the house of Ha‍′‍-‍man.
  3. And Es­ther spake yet again be­fore the king, and fell down at his feet, and be­sought him with tears to put away the mis­chief of Ha‍′‍-‍man the A‍′‍-‍gag-‍ite, and his de­vice that he had de­vised against the Jews.
  4. Then the king held out the gold­en scep­tre to­ward Es­ther. So Es­ther arose, and stood be­fore the king,
  5. And said, If it please the king, and if I have found fa­vour in his sight, and the thing seem right be­fore the king, and I be pleas­ing in his eyes, let it be writ­ten to re­verse the let­ters de­vised by Ha‍′‍-‍man the son of Ham-‍med‍′‍-‍a-‍tha the A‍′‍-‍gag-‍ite, which he wrote to de­stroy the Jews which are in all the kings provinces:
  6. For how can I en­dure to see the evil that shall come un­to my peo­ple? or how can I en­dure to see the de­struc­tion of my kindred?
  7. Then the king A-‍has-‍u-‍e‍′‍-‍rus said un­to Es­ther the queen and to Mor‍′‍-‍de-‍cai the Jew, Be­hold, I have giv­en Es­ther the house of Ha‍′‍-‍man, and him they have hanged up­on the gal­lows‍ ‍(tree), be­cause he laid his hand up­on the Jews.
  8. Write ye al­so for the Jews, as it‍ ‍lik­eth you, in the kings name, and seal it with the kings ring: for the writ­ing which is writ­ten in the kings name, and sealed with the kings ring, may no man reverse.
  9. Then were the kings scribes called at that time in the third month, that is, the month (of) Si‍′‍-‍van, on the three and twen­ti­eth day there­of; and it was writ­ten ac­cord­ing to all that Mor‍′‍-‍de-‍cai com­mand­ed un­to the Jews, and to the lieu­ten­ants, and the dep­u­ties and rul­ers of the prov­inc­es which are from In­dia un­to E-‍thi-‍o‍′‍-‍pi-‍a, an hun­dred twen­ty and sev­en prov­inc­es, un­to ev­ery prov­ince ac­cord­ing to the writ­ing there­of, and un­to ev­ery peo­ple af­ter their lan­guage, and to the Jews ac­cord­ing to their writ­ing, and ac­cord­ing to their language.
  10. And he wrote in the king A-‍has-‍u-‍e‍′‍-‍rus’ name, and sealed it with the kings ring, and sent let­ters by posts on horse­back, and rid­ers on mules, cam­els, and young dromedaries:
  11. Wherein the king grant­ed the Jews which were in ev­ery city to gath­er them­selves to­geth­er, and to stand for their life, to de­stroy, to slay, and to cause to per­ish, all the pow­er of the peo­ple and prov­ince that would as­sault them, both lit­tle ones and wom­en, and to take the spoil of them for a prey,
  12. Upon one day in all the prov­inc­es of king A-‍has-‍u-‍e‍′‍-‍rus, name­ly, up­on the thir­teenth day of twelfth month, which is the month (of)‍ ‍A‍′‍-‍dar.
  13. The copy of the writ­ing for a com­mand­ment to be giv­en in ev­ery prov­ince was pub­lished un­to all peo­ple, and that the Jews should be rea­dy against that day to avenge them­selves on their enemies.
  14. So the posts that rode up­on mules and cam­els went out, be­ing has­tened and pressed on by the kings com­mand­ment. And the de­cree was giv­en at Shu‍′‍-‍shan the palace.
  15. And Mor‍′‍-‍de-‍cai went out from the pres­ence of the king in roy­al ap­par­el of‍ ‍blue and white, and with a great crown of gold, and with a gar­ment of fine lin­en and pur­ple: and the city of Shu‍′‍-‍shan re­joiced and was glad.
  16. The Jews had light, and glad­ness, and joy, and honour.
  17. And in ev­ery prov­ince, and in ev­ery city, whith­er­so­ever the kings com­mand­ment and his de­cree came, the Jews had joy and glad­ness, a feast and a good day. And ma­ny of the peo­ple of the land be­came Jews; for the fear of the Jews fell up­on them.
Chapter Nine
  1. NOW IN THE twelfth month, that is, the month (of)‍ ‍A‍′‍-‍dar, on the thir­teenth day of the same, when the kings com­mand­ment and his de­cree drew near to be put in ex­e­cu­tion, in the day that the en­e­mies of the Jews hoped to have pow­er over them, (though it was turned to the con­tra­ry, that the Jews had rule over them that hat­ed them;)
  2. The Jews gath­ered them­selves to­geth­er in their cit­ies through­out all the prov­inc­es of the king A-‍has-‍u-‍e‍′‍-‍rus, to lay hand on such as sought their hurt: and no man could with­stand them; for the fear of them fell up­on all people.
  3. And all the rul­ers of the prov­inc­es, and the lieu­ten­ants, and the dep­u­ties, and of­fi­cers of the king, helped the Jews; be­cause the fear of Mor‍′‍-‍de-‍cai fell up­on them.
  4. For Mor‍′‍-‍de-‍cai was great in the kings house, and his fame went out through­out all the prov­inc­es: for this man Mor‍′‍-‍de-‍cai waxed great­er and greater.
  5. Thus the Jews smote all their en­e­mies with the stroke of the sword, and slaugh­ter, and de­struc­tion, and did what they would un­to those that hat­ed them.
  6. And in Shu‍′‍-‍shan the pal­ace the Jews slew and de­stroyed five hun­dred men.
  7. And Par-‍shan‍′‍-‍da-‍tha, and Dal‍′‍-‍phon, and As-‍pa‍′‍-‍tha,
  8. And Por‍′‍-‍a-‍tha, and A-‍da‍′‍-‍li-‍a, and A-‍rid‍′‍-‍a-‍tha,
  9. And Par-‍mash‍′‍-‍ta, and A-‍ri‍′‍-‍sai, and A-‍ri‍′‍-‍dai, and‍ ‍Va-‍jez‍′‍-‍a-‍tha‍,[510]
  10. The ten sons of Ha‍′‍-‍man the son of Ham-‍med‍′‍-‍a-‍tha, the en­e­my of the Jews, slew they; but on the spoil laid they not their hand.
  11. On that day the num­ber of those that were slain in Shu‍′‍-‍shan the pal­ace was brought be­fore the king.
  12. And the king said un­to Es­ther the queen, The Jews have slain and de­stroyed five hun­dred men in Shu‍′‍-‍shan the pal­ace, and the ten sons of Ha‍′‍-‍man‍;[510]what have they done in the rest of the kings prov­inc­es? now what is thy pe­ti­tion? and it shall be grant­ed thee: or what is thy re­quest fur­ther? and it shall be done.
  13. Then said Es­ther, If it please the king, let it be grant­ed to the Jews which are in Shu‍′‍-‍shan to do to mor­row also ac­cord­ing un­to this days de­cree, and let Ha‍′‍-‍mans ten sons be hanged up­on the gal­lows‍ ‍(tree).
  14. And the king com­mand­ed it so to be done: and the de­cree was giv­en at Shu‍′‍-‍shan; and they hanged Ha‍′‍-‍mans ten sons.
  15. For the Jews that were in Shu‍′‍-‍shan gath­ered them­selves to­geth­er on the four­teenth day al­so of the month (of)‍ ‍A‍′‍-‍dar, and slew three hun­dred men at Shu‍′‍-‍shan‍;[300]but on the prey they laid not their hand.
  16. But the oth­er Jews that were in the kings prov­inc­es gath­ered them­selves to­geth­er, and stood for their lives, and had rest from their en­e­mies, and slew of their foes sev­en­ty and five thou­sand‍,[75,000]but they laid not their hands on the prey.
  17. On the thir­teenth day of the month (of)‍ ‍A‍′‍-‍dar; and on the four­teenth day of the same rest­ed they, and made it a day of feast­ing and gladness.
  18. But the Jews that were at Shu‍′‍-‍shan as­sem­bled to­geth­er on the thir­teenth day there­of, and on the four­teenth there­of; and on the fif­teenth day of the same they rest­ed, and made it a day of feast­ing and gladness.
  19. Therefore the Jews of the vil­lag­es, that dwelt in the un­walled towns, made the four­teenth day of the month (of)‍ ‍A‍′‍-‍dar a day of glad­ness and feast­ing, and a good day, and of send­ing por­tions one to another.
  20. And Mor‍′‍-‍de-‍cai wrote these things, and sent let­ters un­to all the Jews that were in all the prov­inc­es of the king A-‍has-‍u-‍e‍′‍-‍rus, both nigh and far,
  21. To stab­lish this among them, that they should keep the four­teenth day of the month (of)‍ ‍A‍′‍-‍dar, and the fif­teenth day of the same, yearly,
  22. As the days where­in the Jews rest­ed from their en­e­mies, and the month which was turned un­to them from sor­row to joy, and from mourn­ing in­to a good day: that they should make them days of feast­ing and joy, and of send­ing por­tions one to an­oth­er, and gifts to the poor.
  23. And the Jews un­der­took to do as they had be­gun, and as Mor‍′‍-‍de-‍cai had writ­ten un­to them;
  24. Because Ha‍′‍-‍man the son of Ham-‍med‍′‍-‍a-‍tha, the A‍′‍-‍gag-‍ite, the en­e­my of all the Jews, had de­vised against the Jews to de­stroy them, and had cast‍ ‍Pur, that is, the lot, to con­sume them, and to de­stroy them;
  25. But when Es­ther came be­fore the king (with the mat­ter), he com­mand­ed by let­ters that his wick­ed device which he de­vised against the Jews, should re­turn up­on his own head, and that he and his sons should be hanged on the gallows‍ ‍(tree).
  26. Wherefore they called these days Pu‍′‍-‍rim af­ter the name of‍ ‍Pur. There­fore for all the words of this let­ter, and of that which they had seen con­cern­ing this mat­ter, and which had come un­to them,
  27. The Jews or­dained, and took up­on them, and up­on their seed, and up­on all such as joined them­selves un­to them, so as it should not fail, that they would keep these two days ac­cord­ing to their writ­ing, and ac­cord­ing to their ap­point­ed time ev­ery year;
  28. And that these days should be re­mem­bered and kept through­out ev­ery gen­er­a­tion, ev­ery fam­i­ly, ev­ery prov­ince, and ev­ery city; and that these days of‍ ‍Pu‍′‍-‍rim should not fail from among the Jews, nor the me­mo­ri­al of them per­ish from their seed.
  29. Then Es­ther the queen, the daugh­ter of Ab-‍i-‍ha‍′‍-‍il, and Mor‍′‍-‍de-‍cai the Jew, wrote with all au­thor­ity, to con­firm this sec­ond let­ter of‍ ‍Pu‍′‍-‍rim.
  30. And he sent the let­ters un­to all the Jews, to the hun­dred twen­ty and sev­en prov­inc­es of the king­dom of A-‍has-‍u-‍e‍′‍-‍rus, with words of peace and truth,
  31. To con­firm these days of‍ ‍Pu‍′‍-‍rim in their times ap­point­ed, ac­cord­ing as Mor‍′‍-‍de-‍cai the Jew and Es­ther the queen had en­joined them, and as they had de­creed for them­selves and for their seed, the mat­ters of the fast­ings and their cry.
  32. And the de­cree of Es­ther con­firmed these mat­ters of‍ ‍Pu‍′‍-‍rim; and it was writ­ten in the book.
Chapter Ten
  1. AND THE KING A-‍has-‍u-‍e‍′‍-‍rus laid a trib­ute up­on the land, and up­on the isles of the sea.
  2. And all the acts of his pow­er and of his might, and the dec­la­ra­tion of the great­ness of Mor‍′‍-‍de-‍cai, where­un­to the king ad­vanced him,are they not writ­ten in the book of the chron­i­cles of the kings of Me‍′‍-‍di-‍a and Persia?
  3. For Mor‍′‍-‍de-‍cai the Jew was next un­to king A-‍has-‍u-‍e‍′‍-‍rus, and great among the Jews, and ac­cept­ed of the mul­ti­tude of his breth­ren, seek­ing the wealth of his peo­ple, and speak­ing peace to all his seed.
"precept upon precept; line upon line" … - For knowledge shall cease and wisdom fail, but understanding remaineth (if gained from the former).