
Chapter One

  1. NOW IN THE first year of Cy­rus king of Per­sia, that the word of the ⟨Lord⟩ by the mouth of Jeremiah might be ful­filled, the ⟨Lord⟩ stirred up the spir­it of Cy­rus king of Per­sia, that he made a proc­la­ma­tion through­out all his king­dom, and put it al­so in writ­ing, saying,
  2. Thus sa­ith Cy­rus king of Per­sia, The ⟨Lord⟩ ⟨God⟩ of heav­en hath giv­en me all the king­doms of the earth; and he hath charged me to build him an house at Je­ru­sa­lem, which is in Judah.
  3. Who is there among you of all his peo­ple? his ⟨God⟩ be with him, and let him go up to Je­ru­sa­lem, which is in Ju­dah, and build the house of the ⟨Lord⟩ ⟨God⟩ of Is­ra­el, (he is the ⟨God⟩,) which is in Jerusalem.
  4. And who­so­ever re­main­eth in any place where he so­journ­eth, let the men of his place help him with sil­ver, and with gold, and with goods, and with beasts, be­side the free­will of­fer­ing for the house of ⟨God⟩ that is in Jerusalem.
  5. Then rose up the chief of the fa­thers of Ju­dah and Ben­ja­min, and the priests, and the Le­vites, with all them whose spir­it ⟨God⟩ had raised, to go up to build the house of the ⟨Lord⟩ which is in Jerusalem.
  6. And all they that were about them strength­ened their hands with ves­sels of sil­ver, with gold, with goods, and with beasts, and with pre­cious things, beside all that was will­ing­ly offered.
  7. Also Cy­rus the king brought forth the ves­sels of the house of the ⟨Lord⟩, which Neb-‍u-‍chad-‍nez‍‍-‍zar had brought forth out of Je­ru­sa­lem, and had put them in the house of his gods;
  8. Even those did Cy­rus king of Per­sia bring forth by the hand of Mith‍‍-‍re-‍dath the trea­sur­er, and num­bered them un­to Shesh-‍baz‍‍-‍zar, the prince of Judah.
  9. And this is the num­ber of them: thir­ty charg­ers of gold, a thou­sand charg­ers of sil­ver, nine and twen­ty knives,
  10. Thirty ba­sons of gold, sil­ver ba­sons of a sec­ond sort four hun­dred and ten, and oth­er ves­sels a thousand.
  11. All the ves­sels of gold and of sil­ver were five thou­sand and four hun­dred. All these did Shesh-‍baz‍‍-‍zar bring up with them of  the cap­tiv­ity that were brought up from Bab­y­lon un­to Jerusalem.
Chapter Two
  1. NOW THESE ARE the chil­dren of the prov­ince that went up out of the cap­tiv­ity, of those which had been car­ried away un­to Bab­y­lon, and came again un­to Je­ru­sa­lem and Ju­dah, ev­ery one un­to his city;
  2. Which came with Ze-‍rub‍‍-‍ba-‍bel: Jesh‍‍-‍u-‍a, Ne-‍he-‍mi‍‍-‍ah, Se-‍ra‍‍-‍iah, Re-‍el-‍a‍‍-‍iah, Mor‍‍-‍de-‍cai, Bil‍‍-‍shan, Miz‍‍-‍par, Big‍‍-‍vai, Re‍‍-‍hum, Ba‍‍-‍a-‍nah. The num­ber of the men of the peo­ple of Israel:
  3. The chil­dren of Pa‍‍-‍rosh, two thou­sand an hun­dred sev­en­ty and two‍.[2,172]
  4. The chil­dren of Sheph-‍a-‍ti‍‍-‍ah, three hun­dred sev­en­ty and two‍.[372]
  5. The chil­dren of A‍‍-‍rah, sev­en hun­dred sev­en­ty and five‍.[775]
  6. The chil­dren of Pa‍‍-‍hath–‍mo‍‍-‍ab of the chil­dren of Jesh‍‍-‍u-‍a and Jo‍‍-‍ab, two thou­sand eight hun­dred and twelve‍.[2,812]
  7. The chil­dren of E‍‍-‍lam, a thou­sand two hun­dred fif­ty and four‍.[1,254]
  8. The chil­dren of Zat‍‍-‍tu, nine hun­dred for­ty and five‍.[945]
  9. The chil­dren of Zac‍‍-‍cai, sev­en hun­dred and threescore‍.[760]
  10. The chil­dren of Ba‍‍-‍ni, six hun­dred for­ty and two‍.[642]
  11. The chil­dren of Be‍‍-‍bai, six hun­dred twen­ty and three‍.[623]
  12. The chil­dren of Az‍‍-‍gad, a thou­sand two hun­dred twen­ty and two‍.[1,222]
  13. The chil­dren of A-‍don‍‍-‍i-‍kam, six hun­dred six­ty and six‍.[666]
  14. The chil­dren of Big‍‍-‍vai, two thou­sand fif­ty and six‍.[2,056]
  15. The chil­dren of A‍‍-‍din, four hun­dred fif­ty and four‍.[454]
  16. The chil­dren of A‍‍-‍ter of Hez-‍e-‍ki‍‍-‍ah, nine­ty and eight‍.[98]
  17. The chil­dren of Be‍‍-‍zai, three hun­dred twen­ty and three‍.[323]
  18. The chil­dren of Jo‍‍-‍rah, an hun­dred and twelve‍.[112]
  19. The chil­dren of Ha‍‍-‍shum, two hun­dred twen­ty and three‍.[223]
  20. The chil­dren of Gib‍‍-‍bar, nine­ty and five‍.[95]
  21. The chil­dren of Beth‍‍–‍le-‍hem, an hun­dred twen­ty and three‍.[123]
  22. The men of Ne-‍to‍‍-‍phah, fif­ty and six‍.[56]
  23. The men of An‍‍-‍a-‍thoth, an hun­dred twen­ty and eight‍.[128]
  24. The chil­dren of Az‍‍-‍ma-‍veth, for­ty and two‍.[42]
  25. The chil­dren of Kir‍‍-‍jath–‍a‍‍-‍rim, Che-‍phi‍‍-‍rah, and Be-‍e‍‍-‍roth, sev­en hun­dred and for­ty and three‍.[743]
  26. The chil­dren of Ra‍‍-‍mah and Ga‍‍-‍ba, six hun­dred twen­ty and one‍.[621]
  27. The men of Mich‍‍-‍mas, an hun­dred twen­ty and two‍.[122]
  28. The men of Beth‍‍–‍el and A‍‍-‍i, two hun­dred twen­ty and three‍.[223]
  29. The chil­dren of Ne‍‍-‍bo, fif­ty and two‍.[52]
  30. The chil­dren of Mag‍‍-‍bish, an hun­dred fif­ty and six‍.[156]
  31. The chil­dren of the oth­er E‍‍-‍lam, a thou­sand two hun­dred fif­ty and four‍.[1,254]
  32. The chil­dren of Ha‍‍-‍rim, three hun­dred and twenty‍.[320]
  33. The chil­dren of Lod, Ha‍‍-‍did, and O‍‍-‍no, sev­en hun­dred twen­ty and five‍.[725]
  34. The chil­dren of Jer‍‍-‍i-‍cho, three hun­dred for­ty and five‍.[345]
  35. The chil­dren of Se-‍na‍‍-‍ah, three thou­sand and six hun­dred and thirty‍.[3,630]
  36. The priests: the chil­dren of Je-‍da‍‍-‍iah, of the house of Jesh‍‍-‍u-‍a, nine hun­dred sev­en­ty and three‍.[973]
  37. The chil­dren of Im‍‍-‍mer, a thou­sand fif­ty and two‍.[1,052]
  38. The chil­dren of Pash‍‍-‍ur, a thou­sand two hun­dred for­ty and seven‍.[1,247]
  39. The chil­dren of Ha‍‍-‍rim, a thou­sand and seventeen‍.[1,017]
  40. The Le­vites: the chil­dren of Jesh‍‍-‍u-‍a and Kad‍‍-‍mi-‍el, of the chil­dren of Hod-‍a-‍vi‍‍-‍ah, sev­en­ty and four‍.[74]
  41. The sing­ers: the chil­dren of A‍‍-‍saph, an hun­dred twen­ty and eight‍.[128]
  42. The chil­dren of the por­ters: the chil­dren of Shal‍‍-‍lum, the chil­dren of A‍‍-‍ter, the chil­dren of Tal‍‍-‍mon, the chil­dren of Ak‍‍-‍kub, the chil­dren of Hat‍‍-‍i-‍ta, the chil­dren of Sho‍‍-‍bai, in all an hun­dred thir­ty and nine‍.[139]
  43. The Neth‍‍-‍i-‍nims: the chil­dren of Zi‍‍-‍ha, the chil­dren of Ha-‍s‍(h)‍u‍‍-‍pha, the chil­dren of Tab‍‍-‍ba-‍oth,
  44. The chil­dren of Ke‍‍-‍ros, the chil­dren of Si‍‍-‍a-‍ha, the chil­dren of Pa‍‍-‍don,
  45. The chil­dren of Leb‍‍-‍a-‍nah, the chil­dren of Hag‍‍-‍a-‍bah, the chil­dren of Ak‍‍-‍kub,
  46. The chil­dren of Ha‍‍-‍gab, the chil­dren of Shal‍‍-‍mai, the chil­dren of Ha‍‍-‍nan,
  47. The chil­dren of Gid‍‍-‍del, the chil­dren of Ga‍‍-‍har, the chil­dren of Re-‍a‍‍-‍iah,
  48. The chil­dren of Re‍‍-‍zin, the chil­dren of Ne-‍ko‍‍-‍da, the chil­dren of Gaz‍‍-‍zam,
  49. The chil­dren of Uz‍‍-‍za, the chil­dren of Pa-‍se‍‍-‍ah, the chil­dren of Be‍‍-‍sai,
  50. The chil­dren of As‍‍-‍nah, the chil­dren of Me-‍hu‍‍-‍nim, the chil­dren of Ne-‍phu‍‍-‍sim,
  51. The chil­dren of Bak‍‍-‍kuk, the chil­dren of Ha-‍ku‍‍-‍pha, the chil­dren of Har‍‍-‍hur,
  52. The chil­dren of Baz‍‍-‍luth, the chil­dren of Me-‍hi‍‍-‍da, the chil­dren of Har‍‍-‍sha,
  53. The chil­dren of Bar‍‍-‍kos, the chil­dren of Sis‍‍-‍e-‍ra, the chil­dren of Tha‍‍-‍mah,
  54. The chil­dren of Ne-‍zi‍‍-‍ah, the chil­dren of Hat‍‍-‍i-‍pha.
  55. The chil­dren of Sol­o­mons serv­ants: the chil­dren of So‍‍-‍tai, the chil­dren of Soph‍‍-‍e-‍reth, the chil­dren of Pe-‍ru‍‍-‍da,
  56. The chil­dren of Ja-‍a‍‍-‍lah, the chil­dren of Dar‍‍-‍kon, the chil­dren of Gid‍‍-‍del,
  57. The chil­dren of Sheph-‍a-‍ti‍‍-‍ah, the chil­dren of Hat‍‍-‍til, the chil­dren of Poch‍‍-‍e-‍reth of Ze-‍ba‍‍-‍im, the chil­dren of A‍‍-‍mi.
  58. All the Neth‍‍-‍i-‍nims, and the chil­dren of Sol­o­mons serv­ants, were three hun­dred nine­ty and two‍.[392]
  59. And these were they which went up from Tel-‍me‍‍-‍lah, Tel-‍har‍‍-‍sa, Cher­ub, Ad‍‍-‍dan, and Im‍‍-‍mer: but they could not shew their fa­thers house, and their seed, wheth­er they were of Israel:
  60. The chil­dren of De-‍la‍‍-‍iah, the chil­dren of To-‍bi‍‍-‍ah, the chil­dren of Ne-‍ko‍‍-‍da, six hun­dred fif­ty and two‍.[652]
  61. And of the chil­dren of the priests: the chil­dren of Ha-‍ba‍‍-‍iah, the chil­dren of Koz, the chil­dren of Bar-‍zil‍‍-‍lai; which took a wife of the daugh­ters of Bar-‍zil‍‍-‍lai the Gil‍‍-‍e-‍ad-‍ite, and was called af­ter their name:
  62. These sought their reg­is­ter among those that were reck­oned by ge­ne­al­o­gy, but they were not found: there­fore were they, as pol­lut­ed, put from the priesthood.
  63. And the Tir-‍sha‍‍-‍tha said un­to them, that they should not eat of the most holy things, till there stood up a priest with‍ ‍U‍‍-‍rim and with Thum‍‍-‍mim.
  64. The whole con­gre­ga­tion to­geth­er was for­ty and two thou­sand three hun­dred and threescore‍,‍[42,360]
  65. Beside their serv­ants and their maids, of whom there were sev­en thou­sand three hun­dred thir­ty and sev­en‍:‍[7,337]‌and there were among them two hun­dred sing­ing men and sing­ing women.
  66. Their hors­es were sev­en hun­dred thir­ty and six: their mules, two hun­dred for­ty and five;
  67. Their cam­els, four hun­dred thir­ty and five; their ass­es, six thou­sand sev­en hun­dred and twenty.
  68. And some of the chief of the fa­thers, when they came to the house of the ⟨Lord⟩ which is at Je­ru­sa­lem, of­fered free­ly for the house of ⟨God⟩ to set it up in his place:
  69. They gave af­ter their abil­ity un­to the trea­sure of the work three­score and one thou­sand drams of‍ ‍gold, and five thou­sand pound of sil­ver, and one hun­dred priests’‍ ‍garments.
  70. So the priests, and the Le­vites, and some of the peo­ple, and the sing­ers, and the por­ters, and the Neth‍‍-‍i-‍nims, dwelt in their cit­ies, and all Is­ra­el in their cities.
Chapter Three
  1. AND WHEN THE sev­enth month was come, and the chil­dren of Is­ra­el were in the cit­ies, the peo­ple gath­ered them­selves as one man to Jerusalem.
  2. Then stood up Jesh‍‍-‍u-‍a the son of Joz‍‍-‍a-‍dak, and his breth­ren the priests, and Ze-‍rub‍‍-‍ba-‍bel the son of She-‍al‍‍-‍ti-‍el, and his breth­ren, and build­ed the al­tar of the ⟨God⟩ of Is­ra­el, to of­fer burnt of­fer­ings there­on, as it is writ­ten in the law of Mo­ses the man of ⟨God⟩.
  3. And they set the al­tar up­on his bases; for fear was up­on them be­cause of the peo­ple of those coun­tries: and they of­fered burnt of­fer­ings there­on un­to the ⟨Lord⟩, even burnt of­fer­ings morn­ing and evening.
  4. They kept al­so the feast of tab­er­na­cles, as it is writ­ten, and of­fered the dai­ly burnt of­fer­ings by num­ber, ac­cord­ing to the cus­tom, as the du­ty of ev­ery day required;
  5. And af­ter­ward of­fered the con­tin­u­al burnt of­fer­ing, both of the new moons, and of all the set feasts of the ⟨Lord⟩ that were con­se­crat­ed, and of ev­ery one that will­ing­ly of­fered a free­will of­fer­ing un­to the ⟨Lord⟩.
  6. From the first day of the sev­enth month be­gan they to of­fer burnt of­fer­ings un­to the ⟨Lord⟩. But the foun­da­tion of the tem­ple of the ⟨Lord⟩ was not yet laid.
  7. They gave mon­ey al­so un­to the ma­sons, and to the car­pen­ters; and meat, and drink, and oil, un­to them of Zi‍‍-‍don, and to them of Tyre, to bring ce­dar trees from Leb‍‍-‍a-‍non to the sea of Jop‍‍-‍pa, ac­cord­ing to the grant that they had of Cy­rus king of Persia.
  8. Now in the sec­ond year of their com­ing un­to the house of ⟨God⟩ at Je­ru­sa­lem, in the sec­ond month, be­gan Ze-‍rub‍‍-‍ba-‍bel the son of She-‍al‍‍-‍ti-‍el, and Jesh‍‍-‍u-‍a the son of Joz‍‍-‍a-‍dak, and the rem­nant of their breth­ren the priests and the Le­vites, and all they that were come out of the cap­tiv­ity un­to Je­ru­sa­lem; and ap­point­ed the Le­vites, from twen­ty years old and up­ward, to set for­ward the work of the house of the ⟨Lord⟩.
  9. Then stood Jesh‍‍-‍u-‍a with his sons and his breth­ren, Kad‍‍-‍mi-‍el and his sons, the sons of Ju­dah, to­geth­er, to set forward the work­men in the house of ⟨God⟩: the sons of Hen‍‍-‍a-‍dad, with their sons and their breth­ren the Levites.
  10. And when the build­ers laid the foun­da­tion of the tem­ple of the ⟨Lord⟩, they set the priests in their ap­par­el with trum­pets, and the Le­vites the sons of A‍‍-‍saph with cym­bals, to praise the ⟨Lord⟩, af­ter the or­di­nance of David king of Israel.
  11. And they sang to­geth­er by course in prais­ing and giv­ing thanks un­to the ⟨Lord⟩; be­cause he is good, for his mer­cy en­dur­eth for ever to­ward Is­ra­el. And all the peo­ple shout­ed with a great shout, when they praised the ⟨Lord⟩, be­cause the foun­da­tion of the house of the ⟨Lord⟩ was laid.
  12. But ma­ny of the priests and Le­vites and chief of the fa­thers, who were an­cient men, that had seen the first house, when the foun­da­tion of this house was laid be­fore their eyes, wept with a loud voice; and ma­ny shout­ed aloud for joy:
  13. So that the peo­ple could not dis­cern the noise of the shout of joy from the noise of the weep­ing of the peo­ple: for the peo­ple shout­ed with a loud shout, and the noise was heard afar off.
Chapter Four
  1. NOW WHEN THE ad­ver­sar­ies of Ju­dah and Ben­ja­min heard that the chil­dren of the cap­tiv­ity build­ed the tem­ple un­to the ⟨Lord⟩ ⟨God⟩ of Israel;
  2. Then they came to Ze-‍rub‍‍-‍ba-‍bel, and to the chief of the fa­thers, and said un­to them, Let us build with you: for we seek your ⟨God⟩, as ye do; and we do sac­ri­fice un­to him since the days of E‍‍-‍sar–‍had‍‍-‍don king of As‍‍-‍sur, which brought us up hither.
  3. But Ze-‍rub‍‍-‍ba-‍bel, and Jesh‍‍-‍u-‍a, and the rest of the chief of the fa­thers of Is­ra­el, said un­to them, Ye‍ ‍have noth­ing to do with us to build an house un­to our ⟨God⟩; but we our­selves to­geth­er will build un­to the ⟨Lord⟩ ⟨God⟩ of Is­ra­el, as king Cy­rus the king of Per­sia hath com­mand­ed us.
  4. Then the peo­ple of the land weak­ened the hands of the peo­ple of Ju­dah, and trou­bled them in building,
  5. And hired coun­sel­lors against them, to frus­trate their pur­pose, all the days of Cy­rus king of Per­sia, even un­til the reign of Da-‍ri‍‍-‍us king of Persia.
  6. And in the reign of A-‍has-‍u-‍e‍‍-‍rus, in the be­gin­ning of his reign, wrote they un­to him an ac­cu­sa­tion against the in­hab­i­tants of Ju­dah and Jerusalem.
  7. And in the days of Ar-‍tax-‍erx‍‍-‍es wrote Bish‍‍-‍lam, Mith‍‍-‍re-‍dath, Ta‍‍-‍be-‍el, and the rest of their com­pan­ions, un­to Ar-‍tax-‍erx‍‍-‍es king of Per­sia; and the writ­ing of the let­ter was writ­ten in the Syr­i­an tongue, and in­ter­pret­ed in the Syr­i­an tongue.
  8. Re‍‍-‍hum the chan­cel­lor and Shim‍‍-‍shai the scribe wrote a let­ter against Je­ru­sa­lem to Ar-‍tax-‍erx‍‍-‍es the king in this sort:
  9. Then wrote Re‍‍-‍hum the chan­cel­lor, and Shim‍‍-‍shai the scribe, and the rest of their com­pan­ions; the Di‍-‍na-‍ites, the A-‍phar‍‍-‍sath-‍chites, the Tar‍‍-‍pel-‍ites, the A-‍phar‍‍-‍sites, the Ar‍‍-‍che-‍vites, the Bab­y­lo­ni­ans, the Su‍‍-‍san-‍chites, the De-‍ha‍‍-‍vites and the E‍‍-‍lam-‍ites,
  10. And the rest of the na­tions whom the great and no­ble As-‍nap‍‍-‍per brought over, and set in the cit­ies of Sa-‍ma‍‍-‍ri-‍a, and the rest that are on this side (of)‍ ‍the (Eu­phra­tes) riv­er, and at such a time.
  11. This is the copy of the let­ter that they sent un­to him, even un­to Ar-‍tax-‍erx‍‍-‍es the king; Thy serv­ants the men on this side (of)‍ ‍the (Eu­phra­tes) riv­er, and at such a time.
  12. Be it known un­to the king, that the Jews which came up from thee to us are come un­to Je­ru­sa­lem, build­ing the re­bel­lious and the bad city, and have set up the walls there­of, and joined the foundations.
  13. Be it known now un­to the king, that, if this city be build­ed, and the walls set up again, then will they not pay toll, trib­ute, and cus­tom, and so thou shalt en­dam­age the rev­e­nue of the kings.
  14. Now be­cause we have main­ten­ance from the kings pal­ace, and it was not meet for us to see the kings dis­hon­our, there­fore have we sent and cer­ti­fied the king;
  15. That search may be made in the book of the rec­ords of thy fa­thers: so shalt thou find in the book of the rec­ords, and know that this city is a re­bel­lious city, and hurt­ful un­to kings and prov­inc­es, and that they have moved se­di­tion with­in the same of old time: for which cause was this city destroyed.
  16. We cer­ti­fy the king that, if this city be build­ed again, and the walls there­of set up, by this means thou shalt have no‍ ‍por­tion on this side (of)‍ ‍the (Eu­phra­tes)‍ ‍riv­er.
  17. Then sent the king an an­swer un­to Re‍‍-‍hum the chan­cel­lor, and to Shim‍‍-‍shai the scribe, and to the rest of their com­pan­ions that dwell in Sa-‍ma‍‍-‍ri-‍a, and un­to the rest be­yond the (Eu­phra­tes) riv­er, Peace, and at such a time.
  18. The let­ter which ye sent un­to us hath been plain­ly read be­fore me.
  19. And I com­mand­ed, and search hath been made, and it is found that this city of old time hath made in­sur­rec­tion against kings, and that re­bel­lion and se­di­tion have been made therein.
  20. There have been migh­ty kings al­so over Je­ru­sa­lem, which have ruled over all coun­tries be­yond the (Eu­phra­tes) riv­er; and toll, trib­ute, and cus­tom, was paid un­to them.
  21. Give ye now com­mand­ment to cause these men to cease, and that this city be not build­ed, un­til an­oth­er com­mand­ment shall be giv­en from me.
  22. Take heed now that ye fail not to do this: why should dam­age grow to the hurt of kings?
  23. Now when the copy of king Ar-‍tax-‍erx‍‍-‍es’ let­ter was read be­fore Re‍‍-‍hum, and Shim‍‍-‍shai the scribe, and their com­pan­ions, they went up in haste to Je­ru­sa­lem un­to the Jews, and made them to cease by force and power.
  24. Then ceased the work of the house of ⟨God⟩ which is at Je­ru­sa­lem. So it ceased un­to the sec­ond year of the reign of Da-‍ri‍‍-‍us king of Persia.
Chapter Five
  1. THEN THE PROPH­ETS, Hag‍‍-‍gai the proph­et, and Zech-‍a-‍ri‍‍-‍ah the son of Id‍‍-‍do, proph­e­sied un­to the Jews that were in Ju­dah and Je­ru­sa­lem in the name of the ⟨God⟩ of Is­ra­el, even un­to them.
  2. Then rose up Ze-‍rub‍‍-‍ba-‍bel the son of She-‍al‍‍-‍ti-‍el, and Jesh‍‍-‍u-‍a the son of Joz‍‍-‍a-‍dak, and be­gan to build the house of ⟨God⟩ which is at Je­ru­sa­lem: and with them were the proph­ets of ⟨God⟩ help­ing them.
  3. At the same time came to them Tat‍‍-‍nai, gov­er­nor on this side (of)‍ ‍the (Eu­phra­tes) riv­er, and She‍‍-‍thar–‍boz‍‍-‍nai, and their com­pan­ions, and said thus un­to them, Who hath com­mand­ed you to build this house, and to make up this wall?
  4. Then said we un­to them af­ter this man­ner, What are the names of the men that make this building?
  5. But the eye of their ⟨God⟩ was up­on the el­ders of the Jews, that they could not cause them to cease, till the mat­ter came to Da-‍ri‍‍-‍us: and then they re­turned an­swer by let­ter con­cern­ing this matter.
  6. The copy of the let­ter that Tat‍‍-‍nai, gov­er­nor on this side (of)‍ ‍the (Eu­phra­tes) riv­er, and She‍‍-‍thar–‍boz‍‍-‍nai, and his com­pan­ions the A-‍phar‍‍-‍sach-‍ites, which were on this side (of)‍ ‍the (Eu­phra­tes) riv­er, sent un­to Da-‍ri‍‍-‍us the king:
  7. They sent a let­ter un­to him, where­in was writ­ten thus; Un­to Da-‍ri‍‍-‍us the king, all peace.
  8. Be it known un­to the king, that we went in­to the prov­ince of Ju-‍de‍‍-‍a, to the house of the great ⟨God⟩, which is build­ed with great stones, and tim­ber is laid in the walls, and this work go­eth fast on, and pros­per­eth in their hands.
  9. Then asked we those el­ders, and said un­to them thus, Who com­mand­ed you to build this house, and to make up these walls?
  10. We asked their names al­so, to‍ ‍cer­ti­fy thee, that we might write the names of the men that were the chief of them.
  11. And thus they re­turned us an­swer, say­ing, We are the serv­ants of the ⟨God⟩ of heav­en and earth, and build the house that was build­ed these ma­ny years ago, which a great king of Is­ra­el build­ed and set up.
  12. But af­ter that our fa­thers had pro­voked the ⟨God⟩ of heav­en un­to wrath, he gave them in­to the hand of Neb-‍u-‍chad-‍nez‍‍-‍zar the king of Bab­y­lon, the Chal-‍de‍‍-‍an, who de­stroyed this house, and car­ried the peo­ple away in­to Babylon.
  13. But in the first year of Cy­rus the king of Bab­y­lon the same king Cy­rus made a de­cree to build this house of ⟨God⟩.
  14. And the ves­sels al­so of gold and sil­ver of the house of ⟨God⟩, which Neb-‍u-‍chad-‍nez‍‍-‍zar took out of the tem­ple that was in Je­ru­sa­lem, and brought them in­to the tem­ple of Bab­y­lon, those did Cy­rus the king take out of the tem­ple of Bab­y­lon, and they were de­liv­ered un­to one, whose name was Shesh-‍baz‍‍-‍zar, whom he had made governor;
  15. And said un­to him, Take these ves­sels, go, car­ry them in­to the tem­ple that is in Je­ru­sa­lem, and let the house of ⟨God⟩ be build­ed in his place.
  16. Then came the same Shesh-‍baz‍‍-‍zar, and laid the foun­da­tion of the house of ⟨God⟩ which is in Je­ru­sa­lem: and since that time even un­til now hath it been in build­ing, and yet it is not finished.
  17. Now there­fore, if it seem good to the king, let there be search made in the kings trea­sure house, which is there at Bab­y­lon, wheth­er it be so, that a de­cree was made of Cy­rus the king to build this house of ⟨God⟩ at Je­ru­sa­lem, and let the king send his plea­sure to us con­cern­ing this matter.
Chapter Six
  1. THEN DA-‍RI‍‍-‍US THE king made a de­cree, and search was made in the house of the rolls, where the trea­sures were laid up in Bab­y­lon.
  2. And there was found at Ach‍‍-‍me-‍tha, in the pal­ace that is in the prov­ince of the Medes, a roll, and there­in was a rec­ord thus written:
  3. In the first year of Cy­rus the king the same Cy­rus the king made a de­cree con­cern­ing the house of ⟨God⟩ at Je­ru­sa­lem, Let the house be build­ed, the place where they of­fered sac­ri­fic­es, and let the foun­da­tions there­of be strong­ly laid; the height there­of three­score cubits,and the breadth there­of three­score cubits;
  4. With three rows of great stones, and a row of new tim­ber: and let the ex­penc­es be giv­en out of the kings‍ ‍house:
  5. And al­so let the gold­en and sil­ver‍(n) ves­sels of the house of ⟨God⟩, which Neb-‍u-‍chad-‍nez‍‍-‍zar took forth out of the tem­ple which is at Je­ru­sa­lem, and brought un­to Bab­y­lon, be re­stored, and brought again un­to the tem­ple which is at Je­ru­sa­lem, ev­ery one to his place, and place them in the house of ⟨God⟩.
  6. Now there­fore, Tat‍‍-‍nai, gov­er­nor be­yond the (Eu­phra­tes) riv­er, She‍‍-‍thar–‍boz‍‍-‍nai, and your com­pan­ions the A-‍phar‍‍-‍sach-‍ites, which are be­yond the (Eu­phra­tes) riv­er, be ye far from thence:
  7. Let the work of this house of ⟨God⟩ alone; let the gov­er­nor of the Jews and the el­ders of the Jews build this house of ⟨God⟩ in his place.
  8. Moreover I make a de­cree what ye shall do to the el­ders of these Jews for the build­ing of this house of ⟨God⟩: that of the kings goods, even of the trib­ute be­yond the (Eu­phra­tes) riv­er, forth­with ex­penc­es be giv­en un­to these men, that they be not hindered.
  9. And that which they have need of, both young bull­ocks, and rams, and lambs, for the burnt of­fer­ings of the ⟨God⟩ of heav­en, wheat, salt, wine, and oil, ac­cord­ing to the ap­point­ment of the priests which are at Je­ru­sa­lem, let it be giv­en them day by day with­out fail:‍ ‍[]

  1. That they may of­fer sac­ri­fic­es of sweet sa­vours un­to the ⟨God⟩of‍ ‍(the third) heav­en, and pray for the life of the king, and of his sons.
  2. Also I have made a de­cree, that who­so­ever shall al­ter this word, let tim­ber be pulled down from his house, and be­ing set up, let him be hanged there­on; and let his house be made a dung­hill for this.
  3. And the ⟨God⟩ that hath caused his name to dwell there de­stroy all kings and peo­ple, that shall put to their hand to al­ter and to de­stroy this house of ⟨God⟩ which is at Je­ru­sa­lem. I Da-‍ri‍‍-‍us have made a de­cree; let it be done with speed.
  4. Then Tat‍‍-‍nai, gov­er­nor on this side (of)‍ ‍the (Eu­phra­tes) riv­er, She‍‍-‍thar–‍boz‍‍-‍nai, and their com­pan­ions, ac­cord­ing to that which Da-‍ri‍‍-‍us the king had sent, so they did speedily.
  5. And the el­ders of the Jews build­ed, and they pros­pered through the proph­e­sy­ing of Hag‍‍-‍gai the proph­et and Zech-‍a-‍ri‍‍-‍ah the son of Id‍‍-‍do. And they build­ed, and fin­ished it, ac­cord­ing to the com­mand­ment of the ⟨God⟩ of Is­ra­el, and ac­cord­ing to the com­mand­ment of Cy­rus, and Da-‍ri‍‍-‍us, and Ar-‍tax-‍erx‍‍-‍es king of Persia.
  6. And this house was fin­ished on the third day of the month A‍‍-‍dar, which was in the sixth year of the reign of Da-‍ri‍‍-‍us the king.
  7. And the chil­dren of Is­ra­el, the priests, and the Le­vites, and the rest of the chil­dren of the cap­tiv­ity, kept the ded­i­ca­tion of this house of ⟨God⟩ with joy,
  8. And of­fered at the ded­i­ca­tion of this house of ⟨God⟩ an hun­dred bull­ocks, two hun­dred rams, four hun­dred lambs; and for a sin of­fer­ing for all Is­ra­el, twelve he goats, ac­cord­ing to the num­ber of the tribes of Israel.
  9. And they set the priests in their cours­es, for the serv­ice of ⟨God⟩, which is at Je­ru­sa­lem; as it is writ­ten in the book of Moses.
  10. And the chil­dren of the cap­tiv­ity kept the pass­over up­on the four­teenth day of the first month.
  11. For the priests and the Le­vites were pur­i­fied to­geth­er, all of them were pure, and killed the pass­over (lambs) for all the chil­dren of the cap­tiv­ity, and for their breth­ren the priests, and for themselves.
  12. And the chil­dren of Is­ra­el, which were come again out of cap­tiv­ity, and all such as had sep­a­rat­ed them­selves un­to them from the fil­thi­ness of the heath­en of the land, to seek the ⟨Lord⟩ ⟨God⟩ of Is­ra­el, did eat,
  13. And kept the feast of un­leav­ened bread sev­en days with joy: for the ⟨Lord⟩ had made them joy­ful, and turned the heart of the king of As­sy­ria un­to them, to strength­en their hands in the work of the house of ⟨God⟩, the ⟨God⟩ of Israel.
Chapter Seven
  1. NOW AF­TER THESE things, in the reign of Ar-‍tax-‍erx‍‍-‍es king of Per­sia, Ez­ra the son of Se-‍ra‍‍-‍iah, the son of Az-‍a-‍ri‍‍-‍ah, the son of Hil-‍ki‍‍-‍ah,
  2. The son of Shal‍‍-‍lum, the son of Za‍‍-‍dok, the son of A-‍hi‍‍-‍tub,
  3. The son of Am-‍a-‍ri‍‍-‍ah, the son of Az-‍a-‍ri‍‍-‍ah, the son of Me-‍ra‍‍-‍ioth,
  4. The son of Zer-‍a-‍hi‍‍-‍ah, the son of Uz‍‍-‍zi, the son of Buk‍‍-‍ki,
  5. The son of A-‍bish‍‍-‍u-‍a, the son of Phin‍‍-‍e-‍has, the son of E-‍le-‍a‍‍-‍zar, the son of‍ ‍Aaron the chief priest:
  6. This Ez­ra went up from Bab­y­lon; and he was a rea­dy scribe in the law of Mo­ses, which the ⟨Lord⟩ ⟨God⟩ of Is­ra­el had giv­en: and the king grant­ed him all his re­quest, ac­cord­ing to the hand of the ⟨Lord⟩ his ⟨God⟩ up­on him.
  7. And there went up some of the chil­dren of Is­ra­el, and of the priests, and the Le­vites, and the sing­ers, and the por­ters, and the Neth‍‍-‍i-‍nims, un­to Je­ru­sa­lem, in the sev­enth year of Ar-‍tax-‍erx‍‍-‍es the king.
  8. And he came to Je­ru­sa­lem in the fifth month, which was in the sev­enth year of the king.
  9. For up­on the first day of the first month be­gan he to go up from Bab­y­lon, and on the first day of the fifth month came he to Je­ru­sa­lem, ac­cord­ing to the good hand of his ⟨God⟩ up­on him.
  10. For Ez­ra had pre­pared his heart to‍ ‍seek the law of the ⟨Lord⟩, and to do it, and to teach in Is­ra­el stat­utes and judgments.
  11. Now this is the copy of the let­ter that the king Ar-‍tax-‍erx‍‍-‍es gave un­to Ez­ra the priest, the scribe, even a scribe of the words of the com­mand­ments of the ⟨Lord⟩, and of his stat­utes to Is­ra­el.
  12. Ar-‍tax-‍erx‍‍-‍es, king of kings, un­to Ez­ra the priest, a scribe of the law of the ⟨God⟩ of heav­en, per­fect peace, and at such a time.
  13. I make a de­cree, that all they of the peo­ple of Is­ra­el, and of his priests and Le­vites, in my realm, which are mind­ed of their own free­will to go up to Je­ru­sa­lem, go with thee.
  14. Forasmuch as thou art sent of the king, and of his sev­en coun­sel­lors, to en­quire con­cern­ing Ju­dah and Je­ru­sa­lem, ac­cord­ing to the law of thy ⟨God⟩ which is in thine hand;
  15. And to car­ry the sil­ver and gold, which the king and his coun­sel­lors have free­ly of­fered un­to the ⟨God⟩ of Is­ra­el, whose hab­i­ta­tion is in Jerusalem:
  16. And all the sil­ver and gold that thou canst find in all the prov­ince of Bab­y­lon, with the free­will of­fer­ing of the peo­ple, and of the priests, of­fer­ing will­ing­ly for the house of their ⟨God⟩ which is in Jerusalem.
  17. That thou may­est buy speed­i­ly with this mon­ey bull­ocks, rams, lambs, with their meat of­fer­ings and their drink of­fer­ings, and of­fer them up­on the al­tar of the house of your ⟨God⟩ which is in Jerusalem.
  18. And what­so­ever shall seem good to thee, and to thy breth­ren, to do with the rest of the sil­ver and the gold, that do af­ter the will of your ⟨God⟩.
  19. The ves­sels al­so that are giv­en thee for the serv­ice of the house of thy ⟨God⟩, those de­liv­er thou be­fore the ⟨God⟩ of Jerusalem.
  20. And what­so­ever more shall be need­ful for the house of thy ⟨God⟩, which thou shalt have oc­ca­sion to be­stow, be­stow it out of the kings trea­sure house.
  21. And I, even I Ar-‍tax-‍erx‍‍-‍es, king do make a de­cree to all the trea­sur­ers which are be­yond the (Eu­phra­tes) riv­er, that what­so­ever Ez­ra the priest, the scribe of the law of the ⟨God⟩ of heav­en, shall re­quire of you, it be done speedily,
  22. Unto an hun­dred tal­ents of sil­ver, and to‍ ‍an hun­dred mea­sures of wheat, and to‍ ‍an hun­dred baths of wine, and to‍ ‍an hun­dred baths of oil, and salt with­out pre­scrib­ing how much.
  23. Whatsoever is com­mand­ed by the ⟨God⟩ of heav­en, let it be dil­i­gent­ly done for the house of the ⟨God⟩ of heav­en: for why should there be wrath against the realm of the king and his sons?
  24. Also we cer­ti­fy you, that touch­ing any of the priests and Le­vites, sing­ers, por­ters, Neth‍‍-‍i-‍nims, or min­is­ters of this house of ⟨God⟩, it shall not be law­ful to im­pose toil, trib­ute, or cus­tom, up­on them.
  25. And thou, Ez­ra, af­ter the wis­dom of thy ⟨God⟩, that is in thine hand, set mag­is­trates and judg­es, which may judge all the peo­ple that are be­yond the (Eu­phra­tes) riv­er, all such as know the laws of thy ⟨God⟩; and teach ye them that know them not.
  26. And who­so­ever will not do the law of thy ⟨God⟩, and the law of the king, let judg­ment be ex­e­cut­ed speed­i­ly up­on him, wheth­er it be un­to death, or to ban­ish­ment, or to con­fis­ca­tion of goods, or to imprisonment.
  27. Blessed be the ⟨Lord⟩ ⟨God⟩ of our fa­thers, which hath put such a thing as this in the kings heart, to beau­ti­fy the house of the ⟨Lord⟩ which is in Jerusalem:
  28. And hath ex­tend­ed mer­cy un­to me be­fore the king, and his coun­sel­lors, and be­fore all the kings migh­ty princ­es. And I was strength­ened as the hand of the ⟨Lord⟩ my ⟨God⟩ was up­on me, and I gath­ered to­geth­er out of Is­ra­el chief men to go up with me.
Chapter Eight
  1. THESE ARE NOW the chief of their fa­thers, and this is the ge­ne­al­o­gy of them that went up with me from Bab­y­lon, in the reign of Ar-‍tax-‍erx‍‍-‍es the king.
  2. Of the sons of Phin‍‍-‍e-‍has; Ger‍‍-‍shom: of the sons of Ith‍‍-‍a-‍mar; Dan­iel: of the sons of David; Hat‍‍-‍tush,
  3. Of the sons of Shech-‍a-‍ni‍‍-‍ah: and with him were reck­oned by ge­ne­al­o­gy of the males an hun­dred and fifty‍.[150]
  4. Of the sons of Pa‍‍-‍hath–‍mo‍‍-‍ab; El-‍i-‍ho-‍e‍‍-‍nai the son of Zer-‍a-‍hi‍‍-‍ah, and with him two hun­dred males‍.[200]
  5. Of the sons of Shech-‍a-‍ni‍‍-‍ah; the son of Ja-‍ha‍‍-‍zi-‍el, and with him three hun­dred males‍.[300]
  6. Of the sons al­so of A‍‍-‍din; E‍‍-‍bed the son of Jon­a­than, and with him fif­ty males‍.[50]
  7. And of the sons of E‍‍-‍lam; Je-‍sha‍‍-‍iah the son of Ath-‍a-‍li‍‍-‍ah, and with him sev­en­ty males‍.[70]
  8. And of the sons of Sheph-‍a-‍ti‍‍-‍ah; Zeb-‍a-‍di‍‍-‍ah the son of Mi‍‍-‍cha-‍el, and with him four­score males‍.[80]
  9. Of the sons of Jo‍‍-‍ab; O-‍ba-‍di‍‍-‍ah the son of Je-‍hi‍‍-‍el, and with him two hun­dred and eight­ males‍.[218]
  10. And of the sons o f Shel‍‍-‍o-‍mith; the son of Jos-‍i-‍phi‍‍-‍ah, and with him an hun­dred and three­score males‍.[160]
  11. And of the sons of Be‍‍-‍bai; Zech-‍a-‍ri‍‍-‍ah the son of Be‍‍-‍bai, and with him twen­ty and eight males‍.[28]
  12. And of the sons of Az‍‍-‍gad; Jo-‍ha‍‍-‍nan the son of Hak‍‍-‍ka-‍tan, and with him an hun­dred and ten males‍.[110]
  13. And of the last sons of A-‍don‍‍-‍i-‍kam, whose names are these, E-‍liph‍‍-‍e-‍let, Je-‍i‍‍-‍el, and She-‍ma‍‍-‍iah, and with them three­score males‍.[60]
  14. Of the sons al­so of Big‍‍-‍vai; U‍‍-‍thai, and Zab‍‍-‍bud, and with them sev­en­ty males‍.[70]
  15. And I gath­ered them to­geth­er to the riv­er that run­neth to A-‍ha‍‍-‍va; and there abode we in tents three days: and I viewed the peo­ple, and the priests, and found there none of the sons of Levi.
  16. Then sent I for E-‍li-‍e‍‍-‍zer, for A‍‍-‍ri-‍el, for She-‍ma‍‍-‍iah, and for El-‍na‍‍-‍than, and for Na­than, and for Zech-‍a-‍ri‍‍-‍ah, and for Me-‍shul‍‍-‍lam, chief men; al­so for Jo‍‍-‍a-‍rib, and for El-‍na‍‍-‍than, men of understanding.
  17. And I sent them with com­mand­ment un­to Id‍‍-‍do the chief at the place Ca-‍siph‍‍-‍i-‍a, and I told them what they should say un­to Id‍‍-‍do, and to his breth­ren the Neth‍‍-‍i-‍nims, at the place Ca-‍siph‍‍-‍i-‍a, that they should bring un­to us min­is­ters for the house of our ⟨God⟩.
  18. And by the good hand of our ⟨God⟩ up­on us they brought us a man of un­der­stand­ing, of the sons of Mah‍‍-‍li, the son of Le­vi, the son of Is­ra­el; and Sher-‍e-‍bi‍‍-‍ah, with his sons and his breth­ren, eighteen‍;[18]
  19. And Hash-‍a-‍bi‍‍-‍ah, and with him Je-‍sha‍‍-‍iah of the sons of Me-‍ra‍‍-‍ri, his breth­ren and their sons, twenty‍;[20]
  20. Also of the Neth‍‍-‍i-‍nims, whom David and the princ­es had ap­point­ed for the serv­ice of the Le­vites, two hun­dred and twen­ty Neth‍‍-‍i-‍nims‍:[220]all of them were ex­pressed by name.
  21. Then I pro­claimed a fast there, at the riv­er of A-‍ha‍‍-‍va, that we might af­flict our­selves be­fore our ⟨God⟩, to seek of him a right way for us, and for our lit­tle ones, and for all our substance.
  22. For I was ashamed to re­quire of the king a band of sol­diers and horse­men to help us against the en­e­my in the way: be­cause we had spo­ken un­to the king, say­ing, The hand of our ⟨God⟩ is up­on all them for good that seek him; but his pow­er and his wrath is against all them that for­sake him.
  23. So we fast­ed and be­sought our ⟨God⟩ for this: and he was in­treat­ed of us.
  24. Then I sep­a­rat­ed twelve of the chief of the priests, Sher-‍e-‍bi‍‍-‍ah, Hash-‍a-‍bi‍‍-‍ah, and ten of their breth­ren with them.
  25. And weighed un­to them the sil­ver, and the gold, and the ves­sels, even the of­fer­ing of the house of our ⟨God⟩, which the king, and his coun­sel­lors, and his lords, and all Is­ra­el there pres­ent, had offered:
  26. I even weighed un­to their hand six hun­dred and fif­ty tal­ents of sil­ver, and sil­ver ves­sels an hun­dred tal­ents, and of gold an hun­dred talents;
  27. Also twen­ty ba­sons of gold, of‍ ‍a thou­sand drams; and two ves­sels of fine cop­per, pre­cious as gold.
  28. And I said un­to them, Ye are holy un­to the ⟨Lord⟩; the ves­sels are holy al­so; and the sil­ver and the gold are a free­will of­fer­ing un­to the ⟨Lord⟩ ⟨God⟩ of your fathers.
  29. Watch ye, and keep them, un­til ye weigh them be­fore the chief of the priests and the Le­vites, and chief of the fa­thers of Is­ra­el, at Je­ru­sa­lem, in the cham­bers of the house of the ⟨Lord⟩.
  30. So took the priests and the Le­vites the weight of the sil­ver, and the gold, and the ves­sels, to bring them to Je­ru­sa­lem un­to the house of our ⟨God⟩.
  31. Then we de­part­ed from the riv­er of A-‍ha‍‍-‍va on the twelfth day of the first month, to go un­to Je­ru­sa­lem: and the hand of our ⟨God⟩ was up­on us, and he de­liv­ered us from the hand of the en­e­my, and of such as lay in wait by the way.
  32. And we came to e­ru­sa­lem, and abode there three days.
  33. Now on the fourth day was the sil­ver and the gold and the ves­sels weighed in the house of our ⟨God⟩ by the hand of Mer‍‍-‍e-‍moth the son of U-‍ri‍‍-‍ah the priest; and with him was E-‍le-‍a‍‍-‍zar the son of Phin‍‍-‍e-‍has; and with them was Joz‍‍-‍a-‍bad the son of Jesh‍‍-‍u-‍a, and No-‍a-‍di‍‍-‍ah the son of Bin‍‍-‍nu-‍i, Levites;
  34. By num­ber and by weight was writ­ten at that time.
  35. Also the chil­dren of those that had been car­ried away, which were come out of the cap­tiv­ity, of­fered burnt of­fer­ings un­to the ⟨God⟩ of Is­ra­el, twelve bull­ocks for all Is­ra­el, nine­ty and six rams, sev­en­ty and sev­en lambs, twelve he goats for a sin of­fer­ing: all this was a burnt of­fer­ing un­to the ⟨Lord⟩.
  36. And they de­liv­ered the kings com­mis­sions un­to the kings lieu­ten­ants, and to the gov­er­nors on this side (of)‍ ‍the (Eu­phra­tes) riv­er: and they fur­thered the peo­ple, and the house of ⟨God⟩.
Chapter Nine
  1. NOW WHEN THESE things were done, the princ­es came to me, say­ing, The peo­ple of Is­ra­el, and the priests, and the Le­vites, have not sep­a­rat­ed them­selves from the peo­ple of the lands, do­ing ac­cord­ing to their abom­i­na­tions,even of the Ca‍‍-‍naan-‍ites, the Hit‍‍-‍tites, the Per‍‍-‍iz-‍zites, the Jeb‍‍-‍u-‍sites, the Am‍‍-‍mon-‍ites, the Mo‍‍-‍ab-‍ites, the Egyp­tians, and the Am‍‍-‍or-‍ites.
  2. For they have tak­en of their daugh­ters for them­selves, and for their sons: so that the holy seed have min­gled them­selves with the peo­ple of those lands: yea, the hand of the princ­es and rul­ers hath been chief in this trespass.
  3. And when I heard this thing, I rent my gar­ment and my man­tle, and plucked off the hair of my head and of my beard, and sat down astonied.(sic)
  4. Then were as­sem­bled un­to me ev­ery one that trem­bled at the words of the ⟨God⟩ of Is­ra­el, be­cause of the trans­gres­sion of those that had been car­ried away; and I sat astonied(sic)‌un­til the eve­ning sacrifice.
  5. And at the eve­ning sac­ri­fice I arose up from my heav­i­ness; and hav­ing rent my gar­ment and my man­tle, I fell up­on my knees, and spread out my hands un­to the ⟨Lord⟩ my ⟨God⟩,
  6. And said, O‍ ‍my ⟨God⟩, I am ashamed and blush to lift up my face to thee, my ⟨God⟩: for our in­iq­ui­ties are in­creased over our head, and our tres­pass is grown up un­to the (three)‍ ‍heavens.
  7. Since the days of our fa­thers have we been in a great tres­pass un­to this day; and for our in­iq­ui­ties have we, our kings, and priests, been de­liv­ered in­to the hand of the kings of the lands, to the sword, to cap­tiv­ity, and to a spoil, and to con­fu­sion of face, as it is this day.
  8. And now for a lit­tle space grace hath been shewed from the ⟨Lord⟩ our ⟨God⟩, to leave us a rem­nant to es­cape, and to give us a‍ ‍nail in his holy place, that our ⟨God⟩ may light­en our eyes, and give us a lit­tle re­viv­ing in our bondage.
  9. For we were bond­men; yet our ⟨God⟩ hath not for­sak­en us in our bond­age, but hath ex­tend­ed mer­cy un­to us in the sight of the kings of Per­sia, to give us a re­viv­ing, to set up the house of our ⟨God⟩, and to re­pair the des­o­la­tions there­of, and to give us a wall in Ju­dah and in Jerusalem.
  10. And now, O‍ ‍our ⟨God⟩, what shall we say af­ter this? for we have for­sak­en thy commandments,
  11. Which thou hast com­mand­ed by thy serv­ants the proph­ets, say­ing, The land, un­to which ye go to pos­sess it, is an un­clean land with the fil­thi­ness of the peo­ple of the lands, with their abom­i­na­tions, which have filled it from one end to an­oth­er with their uncleanness.
  12. Now there­fore give not your daugh­ters un­to their sons, nei­ther take their daugh­ters un­to your sons, nor seek their peace or their wealth for ever: that ye may be strong, and eat the good of the land, and leave it for an in­her­it­ance to your chil­dren for ever.
  13. And af­ter all that is come up­on us for our evil deeds, and for our great tres­pass, see­ing that thou our ⟨God⟩ hast pun­ished us less than our in­iq­ui­tiesde­serve, and hast giv­en us such de­liv­er­ance as this;
  14. Should we again break thy com­mand­ments, and join in‍ ‍af­fin­i­ty with the peo­ple of these abom­i­na­tions‍? would­est not thou be an­gry with us till thou hadst com­sumedus, so that there should be no rem­nant nor escaping?
  15. O ⟨Lord⟩ ⟨God⟩ of Is­ra­el, thou art righ­teous: for we re­main yet es­caped, as it is this day: be­hold, we are be­fore thee in our tres­pass­es: for we can­not stand be­fore thee be­cause of this.
Chapter Ten
  1. NOW WHEN EZ­RA had prayed, and when he had con­fessed, weep­ing and cast­ing him­self down be­fore the house of ⟨God⟩, there as­sem­bled un­to him out of Is­ra­el a‍ ‍very great con­gre­ga­tion of men and wom­en and chil­dren: for the peo­ple wept very sore.
  2. And Shech-‍a-‍ni‍‍-‍ah the son of Je-‍hi‍‍-‍el, one of the sons of E‍‍-‍lam, an­swered and said un­to Ez­ra, We have tres­passed against our ⟨God⟩, and have tak­en strange wives of the peo­ple of the land: yet now there is hope in Is­ra­el con­cern­ing this thing.
  3. Now there­fore let us make a cov­en­ant with our ⟨God⟩ to put away all the wives, and such as are born of them, ac­cord­ing to the coun­sel of my lord, and of those that trem­ble at the com­mand­ment of our ⟨God⟩; and let it be done ac­cord­ing to the law.
  4. Arise; for this mat­ter be­long­eth un­to thee: we al­so will be with thee: be of good cour­age, and do it.
  5. Then arose Ez­ra, and made the chief priests, the Le­vites, and all Is­ra­el, to swear that they should do ac­cord­ing to this word. And they sware.
  6. Then Ez­ra rose up from be­fore the house of ⟨God⟩, and went in­to the cham­ber of Jo-‍ha‍‍-‍nan the son of E-‍li‍‍-‍a-‍shib: and when he came thith­er, he did eat no bread, nor drink water: for he mourned be­cause of the trans­gres­sion of them that had been car­ried away.
  7. And they made proc­la­ma­tion through­out Ju­dah and Je­ru­sa­lem un­to all the chil­dren of the cap­tiv­ity, that they should gath­er them­selves to­geth­er un­to Jerusalem;
  8. And that who­so­ever would not come with­in three days, ac­cord­ing to the coun­sel of the princ­es and the el­ders, all his sub­stance should be for­feit­ed, and him­self sep­a­rat­ed from the con­gre­ga­tion of those that had been car­ried away.
  9. Then all the men of Ju­dah and Ben­ja­min gath­ered them­selves to­geth­er un­to Je­ru­sa­lem with­in three days. It was the ninth month, on the twen­ti­eth day of the month; and all the peo­ple sat in the street of the house of ⟨God⟩, trem­bling be­cause of this mat­ter, and for the great rain.
  10. And Ez­ra the priest stood up and said un­to them, Ye have trans­gressed, and have tak­en strange wives, to in­crease the tres­pass of Israel.
  11. Now there­fore make con­fes­sion un­to the ⟨Lord⟩ ⟨God⟩ of your fa­thers, and do his plea­sure: and sep­a­rate your­selves from the peo­ple of the land, and from the strange wives.
  12. Then all the con­gre­ga­tion an­swered and said with a loud voice, As thou hast said, so must we do.
  13. But the peo­ple are ma­ny, and it is a time of much rain, and we are not able to stand with­out, nei­ther is this a work of one day or two: for we are ma­ny that have trans­gressed in this thing.
  14. Let now our rul­ers of all the con­gre­ga­tion stand, and let all them which have tak­en strange wives in our cit­ies come at ap­point­ed times, and with them the el­ders of ev­ery city, and the judg­es there­of, un­til the fierce wrath of our ⟨God⟩ for this mat­ter be turned from us.
  15. Only Jon­a­than the son of A‍‍-‍sa-‍hel and Ja-‍ha-‍zi‍‍-‍ah the son of Tik‍‍-‍vah were em­ployed about this mat­ter and Me-‍shul‍‍-‍lam and Shab‍‍-‍be-‍thai the Le­vite helped them.
  16. And the chil­dren of the cap­tiv­ity did so. And Ez­ra the priest, with cer­tain chief of the fa­thers, af­ter the house of their fa­thers, and all of them by their names, were sep­a­rat­ed, and sat down in the first day of the tenth month to ex­am­ine the matter.
  17. And they made an end with all the men that had tak­en strange wives by the first day of the first month.
  18. And among the sons of the priests there were found that had tak­en strange wives: namely, of the sons of Jesh‍‍-‍u-‍a the son of Joz‍‍-‍a-‍dak, and his breth­ren; Ma-‍a-‍se‍‍-‍iah1, and E-‍li-‍e‍‍-‍zer2, and Ja‍‍-‍rib3, and Ged-‍a-‍li‍‍-‍ah4.
  19. And they gave their hands that they would put away their wives; and be­ing guil­ty, they of­fered a ram of the flock for their trespass.
  20. And of the sons of Im‍‍-‍mer; Ha-‍na‍‍-‍ni‍5, and Zeb-‍a-‍di‍‍-‍ah6,
  21. And of the sons of Ha‍‍-‍rim; Ma-‍a-‍se‍‍-‍iah7, and E-‍li‍‍-‍jah8, and She-‍ma‍‍-‍iah9, and Je-‍hi‍‍-‍el,10‌and Uz-‍zi‍‍-‍ah,11
  22. And of the sons of Pash‍‍-‍ur; E-‍li-‍o-‍e‍‍-‍nai,12‌Ma-‍a-‍se‍‍-‍iah,13‌Ish‍‍-‍ma-‍el,14Ne-‍than‍‍-‍e-‍el,15‌Joz‍‍-‍a-‍bad,16‌and El‍‍-‍a-‍sah.17
  23. Also of the Le­vites; Joz‍‍-‍a-‍bad,18‌and Shim‍‍-‍e-‍i,19‌and Ke-‍la‍‍-‍iah,20‌(the name is Kel‍‍-‍i-‍ta,20‌) Peth-‍a-‍hi‍‍-‍ah,21‌Ju­dah,22‌and E-‍li-‍e‍‍-‍zer.23
  24. Of the sing­ers al­so; E-‍li‍‍-‍a-‍shib:24‌and of the por­ters; Shal‍‍-‍lum,25‌and Te‍‍-‍lem,26‌and U‍‍-‍ri.27
  25. Moreover of Is­ra­el: of the sons of Pa‍‍-‍rosh; Ra-‍mi‍‍-‍ah,28‌and Je-‍zi‍‍-‍ah,29‌and Mal-‍chi‍‍-‍ah,30‌and Mi‍‍-‍a-‍min,31‌and E-‍le-‍a‍‍-‍zar,32‌and Mal-‍chi‍‍-‍jah,33‌and Be-‍na‍‍-‍iah.34
  26. And of the sons of E‍‍-‍lam; Mat-‍ta-‍ni‍‍-‍ah,35‌Zech-‍a-‍ri‍‍-‍ah,36‌and Je-‍hi‍‍-‍el,37‌and Ab‍‍-‍di,38‌and Jer‍‍-‍e-‍moth,39‌and E-‍li‍‍-‍ah.40
  27. And of the sons of Zat‍‍-‍tu; E-‍li-‍o-‍e‍‍-‍nai,41‌E-‍li‍‍-‍a-‍shib,42‌Mat-‍ta-‍ni‍‍-‍ah,43‌and Jer‍‍-‍e-‍moth,44‌and Za‍‍-‍bad,45‌and A-‍zi‍‍-‍za.46
  28. Of the sons al­so of Be‍‍-‍bai; Je-‍ho-‍ha‍‍-‍nan,47‌Han-‍a-‍ni‍‍-‍ah,48‌Zab‍‍-‍bai,49and Ath‍‍-‍lai.50
  29. And of the sons of Ba‍‍-‍ni; Me-‍shul‍‍-‍lam,51‌Mal‍‍-‍luch,52‌and A-‍da‍‍-‍iah,53‌Jash‍‍-‍ub,54‌and She‍‍-‍al,55‌and Ra‍‍-‍moth.56
  30. And of the sons of Pa‍‍-‍hath–‍mo‍‍-‍ab; Ad‍‍-‍na,56‌and Che‍‍-‍lal,57‌Be-‍nai‍‍-‍ah,58‌Ma-‍a-‍se‍‍-‍iah,59‌Mat-‍ta-‍ni‍‍-‍ah,60‌Be-‍zal‍‍-‍e-‍el,61‌and Bin‍‍-‍nu-‍i,62‌and Ma-‍nas‍‍-‍seh.63
  31. And of the sons of Ha‍‍-‍rim; E-‍li-‍e‍‍-‍zer,64‌Ish-‍i‍‍-‍jah,65‌Mal-‍chi‍‍-‍ah,66‌She-‍ma‍‍-‍iah,67‍Shim‍‍-‍e-‍on,68
  32. Benjamin,69‌Mal‍‍-‍luch,70and Shem-‍a-‍ri‍‍-‍ah.71
  33. Of the sons of Ha‍‍-‍shum; Mat-‍te‍‍-‍nai,72‌Mat‍‍-‍ta-‍thah,73‌Za‍‍-‍bad,74‌E-‍liph‍‍-‍e-‍let,75‌Jer‍‍-‍e-‍mai,76‌Ma-‍nas‍‍-‍seh,78and Shim‍‍-‍e-‍i.79
  34. Of the sons of Ba‍‍-‍ni; Ma‍‍-‍a-‍dai,80‌Am‍‍-‍ram,81‌and U‍‍-‍el,82
  35. Be-‍na‍‍-‍iah,83‌Be-‍de‍‍-‍iah,84‍Chel‍‍-‍luh,85
  36. Va-‍ni‍‍-‍ah,86‌Mer‍‍-‍e-‍moth,87‍E-‍li‍‍-‍a-‍shib,88
  37. Mat-‍ta-‍ni‍‍-‍ah,89‌Mat-‍te‍‍-‍nai,90‌and Ja‍‍-‍a-‍sau,91
  38. And Ba‍‍-‍ni,92‌and Bin‍‍-‍nu-‍i,93‍Shim‍‍-‍e-‍i,94
  39. And Shel-‍e-‍mi‍‍-‍ah,95‌and Na­than,96‌and A-‍da‍‍-‍iah,97
  40. Mach-‍na-‍de‍‍-‍bai,98‌Sha‍‍-‍shai,99‍Sha‍‍-‍rai,100
  41. A-‍zar‍‍-‍e-‍el,101‌and Shel-‍e-‍mi‍‍-‍ah,102‍Shem-‍a-‍ri‍‍-‍ah,103
  42. Shal‍‍-‍lum,104‌Am-‍a-‍ri‍‍-‍ah,105and Jo­seph.106
  43. Of the sons of Ne‍‍-‍bo; Je-‍i‍‍-‍el,107‌Mat-‍ti-‍thi‍‍-‍ah,108‌Za‍‍-‍bad,109‌Ze-‍bi‍‍-‍na,110‌Ja‍‍-‍dau,111‌and Jo‍‍-‍el,112‍Be-‍na‍‍-‍iah.113
  44. All these had taken strange wives: and some of them had wives by whom they had children.
"precept upon precept; line upon line" … - For knowledge shall cease and wisdom fail, but understanding remaineth (if gained from the former).