
Chapter One

  1. HOW DOTH the city sit sol­i­ta­ry, that was full of peo­ple! how is she be­come as a wid­ow! she that was great among the na­tions, and prin­cess among the prov­inc­es, how is she be­come tributary!
  2. She weep­eth sore in the night, and her tears are on her cheeks: among all her lov­ers she hath none to com­fort her: all her friends have dealt treach­er­ous­ly with her, they are be­come her enemies.
  3. Judah is gone in­to cap­tiv­i­ty be­cause of af­flic­tion, and be­cause of great serv­i­tude: she dwell­eth among the heath­en, she find­eth no rest: all her per­se­cu­tors over­took her be­tween the straits.
  4. The ways of Zion do mourn, be­cause none come to the sol­emn feasts: all her gates are des­o­late: her priests sigh, her vir­gins are af­flict­ed, and she is in bitterness.
  5. Her ad­ver­sa­ries are the chief, her en­e­mies pros­per; for the ⟨Lord⟩ hath af­flict­ed her for the mul­ti­tude of her trans­gres­sions: her chil­dren are gone in­to cap­tiv­i­ty be­fore the enemy.
  6. And from the daugh­ter of Zion all her beau­ty is de­part­ed: her princ­es are be­come like harts that find no pas­ture, and they are gone with­out strength be­fore the pursuer.
  7. Jerusalem re­mem­bered in the days of her af­flic­tion and of her mis­er­ies all her pleas­ant things that she had in the days of old, when her peo­ple fell in­to the hand of the en­e­my, and none did help her: the ad­ver­sa­ries saw her, and did mock at her sabbaths.
  8. Jerusalem hath griev­ous­ly sinned; there­fore she is re­moved: all that hon­oured her de­spise her, be­cause they have seen her na­ked­ness: yea, she sigh­eth, and turn­eth backward.
  9. Her fil­thi­ness is in her skirts; she re­mem­ber­eth not her last end; there­fore she came down (“)won­der­ful­ly:‍(”) she had no com­fort­er. O‍ ‍⟨Lord⟩, be­hold my af­flic­tion: for the en­e­my hath mag­ni­fied himself.
  10. The ad­ver­sa­ry hath spread out his hand up­on all her pleas­ant things: for she hath seen that the heath­en en­tered in­to her sanc­tu­ary, whom thou didst com­mand that they should not en­ter in­to thy congregation.
  11. All her peo­ple sigh, they seek bread; they have giv­en their pleas­ant things for meat to re­lieve the soul: see, O‍ ‍⟨Lord⟩, and con­sid­er, for I am be­come‍ ‍vile.
  12. Is it noth­ing to you, all ye that pass by? be­hold, and see if there be any sor­row like un­to my sor­row, which is done un­to me, where­with the ⟨Lord⟩ hath af­flict­ed me in the day of his fierce anger.
  13. From above hath he sent fire in­to my bones, and it pre­vail­eth against them: he hath spread a net for my feet, he hath turned me back: he hath made me des­o­late and faint all the day.
  14. The yoke of my trans­gres­sions is bound by his hand: they are wreathed, and come up up­on my neck: he hath made my strength to fall, the ⟨Lord⟩ hath de­liv­ered me in­to their hands, from whom I am not able to rise up.
  15. The ⟨Lord⟩ hath trod­den un­der foot all my migh­ty men in the midst of me: he hath called an as­sem­bly against me to crush my young men: the ⟨Lord⟩ hath trod­den the vir­gin, the daugh­ter of Ju­dah, as in a winepress.
  16. For these things I weep; mine eye, mine eye run­neth down with wa­ter, be­cause the com­fort­er that should re­lieve my soul is far from me: my chil­dren are des­o­late, be­cause the en­e­my prevailed.
  17. Zion spread­eth forth her hands, and there is none to com­fort her: the ⟨Lord⟩ hath com­mand­ed con­cern­ing Ja­cob, that his ad­ver­sa­ries should be round about him: Je­ru­sa­lem is as a men­stru­ous wom­an among them.
  18. The ⟨Lord⟩ is righ­teous; for I have re­belled against his com­mand­ment: hear, I pray you, all peo­ple, and be­hold my sor­row: my vir­gins and my young men are gone in­to captivity.
  19. I called for my lov­ers, but they de­ceived me: my priests and mine el­ders gave up the ghost in the city, while they sought their meat to re­lieve their souls.
  20. Behold, O‍ ‍⟨Lord⟩; for I am in dis­tress: my bow­els are trou­bled; mine heart is turned with­in me; for I have griev­ous­ly re­belled: abroad the sword be­reav­eth, at home there is as death.
  21. They have heard that I sigh: there is none to com­fort me: all mine en­e­mies have heard of my trou­ble; they are glad that thou hast done it: thou wilt bring the day that thou hast called, and they shall be like un­to me.
  22. Let all their wick­ed­ness come be­fore thee; and do un­to them, as thou hast done un­to me for all my trans­gres­sions: for my sighs are ma­ny, and my heart is faint.
Chapter Two
  1. HOW HATH the ⟨Lord⟩ cov­ered the daugh­ter of Zion with a cloud in his an­ger, and cast down from‍ ‍(the third) heav­en un­to the earth the beau­ty of Is­ra­el, and re­mem­bered not his foot­stool in the day of his anger!
  2. The ⟨Lord⟩ hath swal­lowed up all the hab­i­ta­tions of Ja­cob, and hath not pit­ied: he hath thrown down in his wrath the strong holds of the daugh­ter of Ju­dah; he hath brought them down to the ground: he hath pol­lut­ed the king­dom and the princ­es thereof.
  3. He hath cut off in his fierce an­ger all the horn of Is­ra­el: he hath drawn back his right hand from be­fore the en­e­my, and he burned against Ja­cob like a flam­ing fire, which de­vour­eth round about.
  4. He hath bent his bow like an en­e­my: he stood with his right hand as an ad­ver­sa­ry, and slew all that were pleas­ant to the eye in the tab­er­nac­le of the daugh­ter of Zion: he poured out his fu­ry like fire.
  5. The ⟨Lord⟩was as an en­e­my: he hath swal­lowed up Is­ra­el, he hath swal­lowed up all her pal­ac­es: he hath de­stroyed his strong holds, and hath in­creased in the daugh­ter of Ju­dah mourn­ing and lamentation.
  6. And he hath vio­lent­ly tak­en away his the tab­er­nac­le, as if it were of a gar­den: he hath de­stroyed his plac­es of the as­em­bly: the ⟨Lord⟩ hath caused the sol­emn feasts and sab­baths to be for­got­ten in Zion, and hath de­spised in the in­dig­na­tion of his an­ger the king and the priest.
  7. The ⟨Lord⟩ hath cast off his al­tar, he hath ab­horred his sanc­tu­ary, he hath giv­en up in­to the hand of the en­e­my the walls of her pal­ac­es; they have made a noise in the house of the ⟨Lord⟩, as in the day of a sol­emn feast.
  8. The ⟨Lord⟩ hath pur­posed to de­stroy the wall of the daugh­ter of Zion: he hath stretched out a line, he hath not with­drawn his hand from de­stroy­ing: there­fore he made the ram­part and the wall to la­ment; they lan­guished together.
  9. Her gates are sunk in­to the ground; he hath de­stroyed and bro­ken her bars: her king and her princ­es are among the Gen­tiles: the law is no more; her proph­ets al­so find no vi­sion from the ⟨Lord⟩.
  10. The el­ders of the daugh­ter of Zion sit up­on the ground, and keep si­lence: they have cast up dust up­on their heads; they have gird­ed them­selves with sack­cloth: the vir­gins of Je­ru­sa­lem hang down their heads to the ground.
  11. Mine eyes do fail with tears, my bow­els are trou­bled, my liv­er is poured up­on the earth, for the de­struc­tion of the daugh­ter of my peo­ple; be­cause the chil­dren and the suck­lings swoon in the streets of the city.
  12. They say to their moth­ers, Where is corn and wine? when they swooned as the wound­ed in the streets of the city, when their soul was poured out in­to their moth­ers bosom.
  13. What thing shall I take to wit­ness for thee? what thing shall I lik­en to thee, O‍ ‍daugh­ter of Je­ru­sa­lem? what shall I equal to thee, that I may com­fort thee, O‍ ‍vir­gin daugh­ter of Zion? for thy breach is great like the sea: who can heal thee?
  14. Thy proph­ets have seen vain and fool­ish things for thee: and they have not dis­cov­ered thine in­iq­ui­ty, to turn away thy cap­tiv­i­ty; but have seen for thee false bur­dens and caus­es of banishment.
  15. All that pass by clap their hands at thee; they hiss and wag their head at the daugh­ter of Je­ru­sa­lem, say­ing, Is this the city that men call The per­fec­tion of beau­ty, The joy of the whole earth?
  16. All thine en­e­mies have op­ened their mouth against thee: they hiss and gnash the teeth: they say, We have swal­lowed her up: cer­tain­ly this is the day that we looked for; we have found, we have seen it.
  17. The ⟨Lord⟩ hath done that which he had de­vised; he hath ful­filled his word that he had com­mand­ed in the days of old: he hath thrown down, and hath not pit­ied: and he hath caused thine en­e­my to re­joice over thee, he hath set up the horn of thine adversaries.
  18. Their heart cried un­to the ⟨Lord⟩, O‍ ‍wall of the daugh­ter of Zion, let tears run down like a riv­er day and night: give thy­self no rest; let not the ap­ple of thine eye cease.
  19. Arise, cry out in the night: in the be­gin­ning of the watch­es pour out thine heart like wa­ter be­fore the face of the ⟨Lord⟩: lift up thy hands to­ward him for the life of thy young chil­dren, that faint for hun­ger in the top of ev­ery street.
  20. Behold, O‍ ‍⟨Lord⟩, and con­sid­er to‍ ‍whom thou hast done this. Shall the wom­en eat their fruit, and chil­dren of a‍(n hand)­span long? shall the priest and the proph­et be slain in the sanc­tu­ary of the ⟨Lord⟩?
  21. The young and the old lie on the ground in the streets: my vir­gins and my young men are fall­en by the sword; thou hast slain them in the day of thine an­ger; thou hast killed, and not pitied.
  22. Thou hast called as in a sol­emn day my ter­rors round about, so that in the day of the ⟨Lord’s⟩ an­ger none es­caped nor re­mained: those that I have swad­dled and brought up hath mine en­e­my consumed.
Chapter Three
  1. IAM THE MANthat hath seen af­flic­tion by the rod of his wrath.
  2. He hath led me, and brought me in­to dark­ness, but not in­to light.
  3. Surely against me is he turned; he turn­eth his hand against me all the day.
  4. My flesh and my skin hath he made old; he hath bro­ken my bones.
  5. He hath build­ed against me, and com­passed me with gall and travail.
  6. He hath set me in dark plac­es, as they that be dead of old.
  7. He hath hedged me about, that I can­not get out: he hath made my chain heavy.
  8. Also when I cry and shout, he shut­teth out my prayer.
  9. He hath in­closed my ways with hewn stone, he hath made my paths crooked.
  10. He was un­to me as a bear ly­ing in‍ ‍wait, and as a li­on in se­cret places.
  11. He hath turned aside my ways, and pulled me in pieces: he hath made me desolate.
  12. He hath bent his bow, and set me as a mark for the arrow. []

  1. ⟨•He hath caused the ar­rows of his quiv­er to en­ter in­to mreins.•⟩
  2. I was a de­ri­sion to all my peo­ple; and their song all the day.
  3. He hath filled me with bit­ter­ness, he hath made me drunk­en with worm­wood.
  4. He hath al­so bro­ken my teeth with grav­el stones, he hath cov­ered me with ashes.
  5. And thou hast re­moved my soul far off from peace: I for­gat‍(sic)‍ ‍prosperity.
  6. And I said, My strength and my hope is per­ished from the ⟨Lord⟩:
  7. Remembering mine af­flic­tion and my mis­ery, the worm­wood and the gall.
  8. My soul hath them still in re­mem­brance, and is hum­bled in me.
  9. This I re­call to my mind, there­fore have I hope.
  10. ⟨•It is of the ⟨Lord’s⟩ mer­cies that we are not con­sumed, be­cause his com­pas­sions fail not.
  11. They are new ev­ery morn­ing: great is thy faithfulness.
  12. The ⟨Lord⟩ is my por­tion, sa­ith my soul; there­fore will I hope in him.
  13. The ⟨Lord⟩ is good un­to them that wait for him, to the soul that seek­eth him.
  14. It is good that a man should both hope and quiet­ly wait for the sal­va­tion of the ⟨Lord⟩.•⟩
  15. It is good for a man that he bear the yoke in his youth.
  16. He sit­teth alone and keep­eth si­lence, be­cause he hath borne it up­on him.
  17. He put­teth his mouth in the dust; if so be there may be hope.
  18. He giv­eth his cheek to him that smit­eth him: he is filled full with reproach.
  19. For the ⟨Lord⟩ will not cast off for ever:
  20. But though he cause grief, yet will we have com­pas­sion ac­cord­ing to the mul­ti­tude of his mercies.
  21. For he doth not af­flict will­ing­ly nor grieve the chil­dren of men (with­out cause).
  22. ⟨•To crush un­der his feet all the pris­on­ers of the earth,
  23. To turn aside the right of a man be­fore the face of the most High,
  24. To sub­vert a man in his cause, the ⟨Lord⟩ ap­proeth not.•⟩
  25. Who is he that sa­ith, and it com­eth to pass, when the ⟨Lord⟩ com­mand­eth it not?
  26. Out of the mouth of the most High pro­ceed­eth not evil and good?
  27. Wherefore doth a liv­ing man com­plain, a man for the pun­ish­ment of his sins?
  28. Let us search and try our ways, and turn again to the ⟨Lord⟩.
  29. Let us lift up our heart with our hands un­to ⟨God⟩ in the (three) heavens.
  30. We have trans­gressed and have re­belled: thou hast not pardoned.
  31. Thou hast cov­ered with an­ger, and per­se­cu­ted us: thou hast slain, thou hast not pitied.
  32. Thou hast cov­ered thy­self with a cloud, that our pray­er should not pass through.
  33. Thou hast made us as the off­scour­ing and ref­use in the midst of the people.
  34. All our en­e­mies have opened their mouths against us.
  35. Fear and a snare is come up­on us, des­o­la­tion and destruction.
  36. Mine eye run­neth down with riv­ers of wa­ter for the de­struc­tion of the daugh­ter of my people.
  37. Mine eye trick­leth down, and ceas­eth not, with­out any intermission,
  38. Till the ⟨Lord⟩ look down, and be­hold from (the third)‍ ‍heaven.
  39. Mine eye af­fect­eth mine heart be­cause of all the daugh­ters of my city.
  40. Mine en­e­mies chased me sore, like a bird, with­out cause.
  41. They have cut off my life in the dun­geon, and cast a stone up­on me.
  42. Waters flowed over mine head; then I said, I am cut off.
  43. I called up­on thy name, O‍ ‍⟨Lord⟩, out of the low dungeon.
  44. ⟨•Thou hast heard my voice: hide not thine ear at my breath­ing, at my cry.
  45. Thou drew­est near(me)in the day that I called up­on thee: thou saidst, Fear not.
  46. O ⟨Lord⟩, thou hast plead­ed the caus­es of my soul; thou hast re­deemed my life.
  47. O ⟨Lord⟩, thou hast seen my wrong: judge thou my cause.•⟩
  48. Thou hast seen all their ven­geance and all their im­ag­i­na­tions against me.
  49. Thou hast heard their re­proach, O‍ ‍⟨Lord⟩, and all their im­ag­i­na­tions against me;
  50. The lips of those that rose up against me, and their de­vice against me all the day.
  51. Behold their sit­ting down, and their ris­ing up; I am their musick‍(sic)(of derision).
  52. Render un­to them a rec­om­pence,‍(sic, noun) O‍ ‍⟨Lord⟩, ac­cord­ing to the work of their hands.
  53. Give them sor­row of heart, thy curse un­to them.
  54. Persecute and de­stroy them in an­ger from un­der the‍ ‍(three) heav­ens of the ⟨Lord⟩.
Chapter Four
  1. HOW IS THE gold be­come dim! how is the most fine gold changed! the stones of the sanc­tu­ary are poured out in the top of ev­ery street.
  2. The pre­cious sons of Zion, com­par­a­ble to fine gold, how are they es­teemed as earth­en pitch­ers, the work of the hands of the potter!
  3. Even as the sea mon­sters draw out the breast, they give suck to their young ones: the daugh­ter of my peo­ple is be­come cruel, like the os­trich­es in the wilderness.
  4. The tongue of the suck­ing child cleav­eth to the roof of his mouth for thirst: the young chil­dren ask bread, and no man break­eth it un­to them.
  5. They that did feed del­i­cate­ly are des­o­late in the streets: they that were brought up in scar­let em­brace dunghills.
  6. For the pun­ish­ment of the in­iq­ui­ty of the daugh­ter of my peo­ple is great­er than the pun­ish­ment of the sin of Sod­om, that was over­thrown as in a mo­ment, and no hands stayed(up)­on her.
  7. Her Naz­a­rites were pur­er than snow, they were whit­er than milk, they were more rud­dy in body than ru­bies‍ ‍(in col­or), (and) their pol­ish­ing was(as) of sapphire:
  8. Their vis­age‍ ‍(now) is black­er than a coal; they are not known in the streets: their skin cleav­eth to their bones; it is with­ered, it is be­come like a stick.
  9. They that be slain with the sword are bet­ter than they that be slain with hun­ger: for these pine away, strick­en through for want of the fruits of the field.
  10. The hands of the pit­i­ful wom­en have sod­den their own chil­dren: they were their meat in the de­struc­tion of the daugh­ter of my people.
  11. The ⟨Lord⟩ hath ac­com­plished his fu­ry; he hath poured out his fierce an­ger, and hath kin­dled a fire in Zion, and it hath de­voured the foun­da­tions thereof.
  12. The kings of the earth, and all the in­hab­i­tants of the world, would not have be­lieved that the ad­ver­sa­ry should have en­tered in­to the gates of Jerusalem.
  13. For the sins of her proph­ets, and the in­iq­ui­ties of her priests, that have shed the blood of the just in the midst of her,
  14. They have wan­dered as blind men in the streets, they have pol­lut­ed them­selves with blood, so that men could not touch their garments.
  15. They cried un­to them, De­part ye; it is un­clean; de­part, de­part, touch not: when they fled away and wan­dered, they said among the heath­en, They shall no more so­journ there.
  16. The an­ger of the ⟨Lord⟩ hath di­vid­ed them; he will no more re­gard them: they re­spect­ed not the per­sons of the priests, they favoured not the elders.
  17. As for us, our eyes as yet failed for our vain help: in our watch­ing we have watched for a na­tion that could not savus.
  18. They hunt our steps, that we can­not go in our streets: our end is near, our days are ful­filled; for our end is come.
  19. Our per­se­cu­tors are swift­er than the ea­gles of the‍ ‍(first) heav­en: they pur­sued us up­on the moun­tains, theythey laid wait for us in the wilderness.
  20. The breath of our nos­trils, the anoint­ed of the ⟨Lord⟩, was tak­en in their pits, of whom we said, Un­der his shad­ow we shall live among the heathen.
  21. Rejoice and be glad, O‍ ‍daugh­ter of E‍‍-‍dom, that dwell­est in the land of Uz; the cup al­so shall pass through un­to thee: thou shalt be drunk­en, and shalt make thy­self naked.
  22. The pun­ish­ment of thine in­iq­ui­ty is ac­com­plished, O‍ ‍daugh­ter of Zion; he will no more car­ry thee away in­to cap­tiv­i­ty: he will vis­it thine in­iq­ui­ty, O‍ ‍daugh­ter of E‍‍-‍dom; he will dis­cov­er thy sins.
Chapter Five
  1. REMEMBER, O‍ ‍⟨Lord⟩, what is come up­on us: con­sid­er, and be­hold our reproach.
  2. Our in­her­it­ance is turned to stran­gers, our hous­es to aliens.
  3. We are or­phans and fa­ther­less, our moth­ers are as widows.
  4. We have drunk­en our wa­ter for mon­ey; our wood is sold un­to us.
  5. Our necks are un­der per­se­cu­tion: we la­bour, and have no rest.
  6. We have given the hand to the Egyp­tians, and to the As­sy­ri­ans, to be sat­is­fied with bread.
  7. Our fa­thers have sinned, and are not; and we have borne their iniquities.
  8. Servants have ruled over us: there is none that doth de­liv­er us out of their hand.
  9. We gat‍(sic) our bread with the per­il of our lives be­cause of the sword of the wilderness.
  10. Our skin was black like an oven be­cause of the ter­ri­ble famine.
  11. They ravished the wom­en in Zion, and the maids in the cities of Judah.
  12. Princes are hanged up by their hand: the fac­es of el­ders were not honoured.
  13. They took the young men to grind, and the chil­dren fell un­der the wood.
  14. The el­ders have ceased from the gate, the young men from their musick.‍(sic)
  15. The joy of our heart is ceased; our dance is turned in­to mourning.
  16. The crown is fall­en from our head: woe un­to us, that we have sinned!
  17. For this our heart is faint; for these things our eyes are dim.
  18. Because of the moun­tain of Zion, which is des­o­late, the fox­es walk up­on it.
  19. Thou, O‍ ‍⟨Lord⟩, re­main­est for ever; thy throne from gen­er­a­tion to generation.
  20. Wherefore dost thou for­get us for ever, and for­sake us‍ ‍(for) so long (a)‍ ‍time?
  21. Turn thou us un­to thee, O‍ ‍⟨Lord⟩, and we shall be turned; re­new our days as of old.
  22. But thou hast ut­ter­ly re­ject­ed us; thou art very wroth against us.
"precept upon precept; line upon line" . . . - For knowledge shall cease and wisdom fail, but understanding remaineth (if gained from the former).