
Chapter One

  1. THE BURDEN of Nin‍‍-‍e-‍veh. The book of the vi­sion of Na‍‍-‍hum the El‍‍-‍kosh-‍ite.
  2. ⟨God⟩ is jeal­ous, and the ⟨Lord⟩ re­veng­eth; the ⟨Lord⟩ re­veng­eth, and is fu­ri­ous; the ⟨Lord⟩ will take ven­geance on his ad­ver­sa­ries, and he re­serv­eth wrath for his enemies.
  3. The ⟨Lord⟩ is slow to an­ger, and great in pow­er, and will not at all ac­quit the wick­ed: the ⟨Lord⟩ hath his way in the whirl­wind and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of his feet.
  4. He re­buk­eth the sea, and mak­eth it dry, and dri­eth up all the riv­ers: Ba‍‍-‍shan lan­guish­eth, and Car­mel and the flow­er of Leb‍‍-‍a-‍non languisheth.
  5. The moun­tains quake at him, and the hills melt, and the earth is burned at his pres­ence, yea, the world, and all that dwell therein.
  6. Who can stand be­fore his in­dig­na­tion? and who can abide in the fierce­ness of his an­ger? his fu­ry is poured out like fire, and the rocks are thrown down by him.
  7. ⟨•The ⟨Lord⟩ is good, a strong hold in the day of trou­ble; and he know­eth them that trust in him.•⟩
  8. But with an over­run­ning flood he will make an ut­ter end of the place there­of, and dark­ness shall pur­sue his enemies.
  9. What do ye im­ag­ine against the ⟨Lord⟩? he will make an ut­ter end: af­flic­tion shall not rise up the sec­ond time.
  10. For while they be fold­en to­geth­er as thorns, and while they are drunk­en as drunk­ards, they shall be de­voured as stub­ble ful­ly‍ ‍dry.
  11. There is one come out of thee, that im­ag­in­eth evil against the ⟨Lord⟩, a wick­ed counsellor.
  12. Thus sa­ith the ⟨Lord⟩; Though they be quiet, and like­wise ma­ny, yet thus shall they be cut down, when he shall pass through. Though I have af­flict­ed thee, I will af­flict thee no more.
  13. For now will I break his yoke from off thee, and will burst thy bonds in sunder.
  14. And the ⟨Lord⟩ hath giv­en a com­mand­ment con­cern­ing thee, that no more of thy name be sown: out of the house of thy gods will I cut off the grav­en im­age and the mol­ten im­age: I will make thy grave; for thou art vile.
  15. Behold up­on the moun­tains the feet of him that bring­eth good tid­ings that pub­lish­eth peace! O Ju­dah, keep thy sol­emn feasts, per­form thy vows: for the wick­ed shall no more pass through thee; he is ut­ter­ly cut off.
Chapter Two
  1. HE THAT dash­eth in piec­es is come up be­fore thy face: keep the mu­ni­tion, watch the way, make the loins strong, for­ti­fy thy pow­er mightily.
  2. For the ⟨Lord⟩ hath turned away the ex­cel­len­cy of Ja­cob, as the ex­cel­len­cy of Is­ra­el: for the emp­ti­ers have emp­tied them out, and marred their vine branches.
  3. The shield of his migh­ty men is made red, the val­iant men are in scar­let: the char­i­ots shall be with flam­ing torch­es in the day of his prep­ar­a­tion, and the fir trees shall be ter­ri­bly shaken.
  4. The char­i­ots shall rage in the streets, they shall jus­tle‍(sic) one against an­oth­er in the broad ways: they shall seem like torch­es, they shall run like the lightnings.
  5. He shall re­count his wor­thies: they shall stum­ble in their walk; they shall make haste to the wall there­of, and the de­fence shall be prepared.
  6. The gates of the riv­ers shall be opened, and the pal­ace shall be dissolved.
  7. And Huz‍‍-‍zab shall be led away cap­tive, she shall be brought up, and her maids shall lead her as with the voice of doves, ta­ber­ing up­on their breasts.
  8. But Nin‍‍-‍e-‍veh is of old like a pool of wa­ter: yet they shall flee away. Stand, stand, they shall cry; but none shall look back.
  9. Take ye the spoil of sil­ver, take the spoil of gold; for there is none end of the store and glo­ry out of all the pleas­ant furniture. []

  1. She is emp­ty, and void, and waste: and the heart melt­eth, and the knees smite to­geth­er, and much pain is in all loins, and the fac­es of them all gath­er blackness.
  2. Where is the dwell­ing of the lions, and the feed­ing­place of the young lions, where the lion, even the old lion, walked, and the lions whelp, and none made them afraid?
  3. The lion did tear in piec­es enough for his whelps, and stran­gled for his lion­ess­es, and filled his holes with prey, and his dens with ravin.
  4. Behold, I am against thee, sa­ith the ⟨Lord⟩ of hosts, and I will burn her char­i­ots in the smoke, and the sword shall de­vour thy young lions: and I will cut off thy prey from the earth, and the voice of thy mes­sen­gers shall no more be heard.
Chapter Three
  1. WOE TO the bloody city! it is all full of lies and rob­bery; the prey de­part­eth not;
  2. The noise of a whip, and the noise of the rat­tl­ing of the wheels, and of the prans­ing‍(sic) hors­es, and of the jump­ing chariots.
  3. The horse­man lift­eth up both the bright sword and the glit­ter­ing spear: and there is a mul­ti­tude of slain, and a great num­ber of car­cas­es; and there is none end of their corps­es; they stumble up­on their corpses:
  4. Because of the mul­ti­tude of the whore­doms of the well­fav­oured harlot, the mis­tress of witch­crafts, that sell­eth na­tions through her whore­doms, and fam­i­lies through her witchcraft.
  5. Behold, I am against thee, sa­ith the ⟨Lord⟩ of hosts; and I will dis­cov­er thy skirts up­on thy face, and I will shew the na­tions thy nak­ed­ness, and the king­doms thy shame.
  6. And I will cast abom­i­na­ble filth up­on thee, and make thee vile, and will set thee as a gazingstock.
  7. And it shall come to pass, that all they that look up­on thee shall flee from thee, and say, Nin‍‍-‍e-‍veh is laid waste: who will be­moan her? whence shall I seek com­fort­ers for thee?
  8. Art thou bet­ter than pop­u­lous No, that was sit­u­ate(sic) among the riv­ers, that had the wa­ters round about it, whose ram­part was the sea, and her wall was from the sea?
  9. E-‍thi-‍o‍‍-‍pi-‍a and Egypt were her strength, and it was in­fin­ite; Put and Lu‍‍-‍bim were thy helpers.
  10. Yet was she car­ried away, she went in­to cap­tiv­ity: her young chil­dren al­so were dashed in piec­es at the top of all the streets: and they cast lots for her hon­our­able men, and all her great men were bound in chains.
  11. Thou al­so shalt be drunk­en: thou shalt be hid, thou al­so shalt seek strength be­cause of the enemy.
  12. All thy strong holds shall be like fig trees with the first­ripe figs: if they be shak­en, they shall even fall in­to the mouth of the eater.
  13. Behold, thy peo­ple in the midst of thee are wom­en: the gates of thy land shall be set wide open un­to thine en­e­mies: the fire shall de­vour thy bars.
  14. Draw thee wa­ters for the siege, for­ti­fy thy strong holds: go in­to clay, and tread the mor­ter, make strong the brickkiln.
  15. There shall the fire de­vour thee; the sword shall cut thee off, it shall eat thee up like the can­ker­worm: make thy­self ma­ny as the can­ker­worm, make thy­self ma­ny as the locusts.
  16. Thou hast mul­ti­plied thy mer­chants above the stars of‍ ‍(the sec­ond) heav­en: the can­ker­worm spoil­eth, and fleeth away.
  17. Thy crowned are as the lo­custs, and thy cap­tains as the great grass­hop­pers, which camp in the hedg­es in the cold day, but when the sun aris­eth they flee away, and their place is not known where they are.
  18. Thy shep­herds slum­ber, O king of As­syr­ia: thy no­bles shall dwell in the dust: thy peo­ple is scat­tered up­on the moun­tains, and no man gath­er­eth them.
  19. There is no heal­ing of thy bruise; thy wound is griev­ous: all that hear the bru­it(sic) of thee shall clap the hands over thee: for up­on whom hath not thy wick­ed­ness passed continually?
"precept upon precept; line upon line" . . . - For knowledge shall cease and wisdom fail, but understanding remaineth (if gained from the former).