| 584,058,562 | (.45588134349439) | Miles | C Each Year | |
| 466,939,821 | (.04128067106632) | Miles | In | 292 | Days | 415,768,333 | (.80388004957960) | Miles | In | 260 | Days | 364,596,846 | (.56647942809288) | Miles | In | 228 | Days | 102,342,974 | (.47480124297344) | Miles | In | 64 | Days | 11,193,762 | (.83318138595022) | Miles | per Week | 1,599,108 | (.97616876942146) | Miles | per Day | 66,629 | (.54067369872589) | Miles | per Hour | 1,110 | (.49234456164543) | Miles | per Minute | 18 | (.50820574269409) | Miles | per Second! | The Maya Knew All This & Much, Much More! | |
•If you take the 26,000 years per precession of the equinoxes × 365.24 = 9,496,240 ÷ 260 = 36,524 ÷ 100 = 365.24 days per year! - Very interesting indeed! - Without the key number of 260 the above calculation just doesn’t work! - So, yes, the Maya knew exactly how long the year & the precession of the equinoxes were! - Obviously the key number here is 260 , exactly how many days there are in their short-count Tzolkin calendar! - It’s curious to me how all this fits together, but there’s more! The Maya called the center of our galaxy HunabKu where the HeroTwins were. - Again this is quite curious for a couple of reasons. - You see, astronomers today will tell you that not only does our solar system orbit the Milky Way galaxy in an ellipse, but that it also goes up and down through the plane of the galaxy once every 52,000 years! - They also say they’ve discovered that the Milky Way is a barred spiral, and you can’t have a barred spiral without two supermassive black holes orbiting in the center, one at each end of the bar. - Hmm, that’s very telling, but they don’t tell us why. - So, let’s just figure it out for ourselves, shall we? This has to mean there are two supermassive black holes (the HeroTwins) in the center of our galaxy (Hunab Ku) which revolve around each other (tilted from the plane of our galaxy) once every 52,000 years. | | Astronomers will tell you there’s only one, even with these obvious signs of two! - [The second one is hidden even from radio telescopes by very dense, thick dust & gas clouds.] - So when the more massive of the two dips below the plane of the galaxy our solar system moves above the plane, and vice versa. It is very telling that the Maya knew there are two supermassive black holes, not just one and, even with obvious signs of two, today’s astronomers simply won’t talk about it! - So, they are indeed holding out on us! - They can’t explain it, so they just don’t talk about it. - How’s that for public relations, eh? - *chuckling* Well, the subterfuge doesn’t end there by any means, as Richard C. Hoagland knows very well. - *nodding* - Check out his book, The Monuments of Mars: A City on the Edge of Forever (5th Edition), if you’re interested. - The peer review groups (read: pecking orders) among scientists keep shooting themselves in the foot, at least to the informed among us, eh? - (Dang, I sound like Jesse Ventura now!) •Recommended Reading• First, The Mayan Factor: Path Beyond Technology, then Earth Ascending: An Illustrated Treatise on the Law Governing Whole Systems by José Argüelles, anthropologist/artist (another marginalized scientist along with Richard C. Hoagland). | | | Discovery & ©Copyright 2015 by RK (aka: MayarOwl) |